I decided the girl in the laptop to change the HDD to SSD

I decided to change the HDD to the SSD for the girl in the laptop. On a Windows laptop.

Made a full backup or even an image, it doesn't matter. I took out the HDD, inserted the SSD, put the HDD in a USB box and tried to restore everything to the SSD. It didn't work out. Okay, my Mac decided to make a bootable USB flash drive. I format it in FAT32, make it bootable, connect WindowsInstall.iso, copy the contents to a USB flash drive - it does not work, USB: /sources/install.wim 4.98 GB does not fit into FAT32. I take out the SDD, put the HDD, boot into Windows and make a system recovery disk. I take out the HDD, put the SSD, I connect the system recovery disk, I boot, I try to recover with the image - an error. I'm trying to restore it cleanly - an error. Okay, let's install the system again. I take out the SSD and put the HDD, I boot and I want to make an installation flash drive.

Google "windows install usb" → www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/windows-usb-dvd-download-tool → 1. Click to open the Windows USB / DVD Download Tool page. -> 404

Google "Create Windows 10 installation media" → softportal.com → Hooray! There is a tool! → downloading and recording. I take out the HDD, insert the SSD, boot from the USB flash drive and install Windows.

I started on Friday, continued on Sunday. Trying to create windows install usb formatted the wrong drive, the wrong drive turned out to be 500GB of my favorite files. Each "I take out the HDD and put the SSD" and back like a sickle for a causal place. About the fact that the data from backups could not be restored is a separate song. Two days of hassle and the result, frankly, poorly satisfactory.

In 2014 I changed HDD to SSD in Mac mini. He refused to "reinstall your OS". I came home, turned on the Mac mini and was horrified - nothing was loaded. I connected the HDD via USB to the Mac mini, everything booted, (with my permission) downloaded and installed the system and pulled everything from the HDD connected via USB.

I got it out. Thank you for attention.

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