Ignoring .dockerignore

A colleague came to me and asked: "How to ignore .dockerignore

when building a docker image?"

After joint searches and checks, a simple solution was found, which consists of the following:

Assembled a test project:

test project

And now, in more detail on the files:

  1. Dockerfile

    FROM alpine
    COPY . .
    ENTRYPOINT cat data.txt

  2. .dockerignore


  3. data.txt (the file that we will exclude during assembly)

    hello habr

  4. Dockerfile.dev

    FROM alpine
    COPY . .
    ENTRYPOINT cat data.txt

    As you can see, it is no different from the previously created Dockerfile, but here we are interested in the postfix in the file name

  5. Dockerfile.dev.dockerignore (ignore file for so called dev build)


Now we have 2 identical Dockerfiles, with a difference only in the name, and each has its own .dockerignore, and for this to work, we need to set the DOCKER_BUILDKIT = 1 flag.

Well, now, you can check what happened:

ala prod-assembly

docker build -t with_ignore -f Dockerfile .

docker run --rm with_ignore

in the output we will see

cat: can't open 'data.txt': No such file or directory

test build

docker build -t without_ignore -f Dockerfile.dev .

docker run --rm without_ignore

in output

hello habr



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