The Haproxy server has built-in facilities for executing Lua scripts.
The Lua programming language is widely used to extend the capabilities of various servers. For example, Lua can be programmed for Redis, Nginx (nginx-extras, openresty), Envoy servers. This is quite natural, since the Lua programming language was just developed for ease of embedding into applications as a scripting language.
In this post, I'll go over the use cases for Lua to extend the capabilities of Haproxy.
According to the documentation , Lua scripts on the Haproxy server can run in six contexts:
- body context (context when loading the Haproxy server configuration, when the scripts specified by the lua-load directive are executed);
- init context (context of functions that are called immediately after loading the configuration, and registered with the system function core.register_init ( function );
- task context (context of scheduled functions registered by the core.register_task ( function ) system function );
- action context (context of functions registered by the system function core.register_action ( function ));
- sample-fetch context (context of functions registered by the system function core.register_fetches ( function ));
- converter context (context of functions registered by the system function core.register_converters ( function )).
There is actually another execution context that is not listed in the documentation:
- service context (context of functions registered by the system function core.register_service ( function ));
Let's start with the simplest Haproxy server configuration. The configuration consists of two sections, the frontend - that is, what the client makes a request to, and the backend - where the client's request is proxied through the Haproxy server:
frontend jwt mode http bind *:80 use_backend backend_app backend backend_app mode http server app1 app:3000
Now all requests coming on port 80 of Haproxy will be redirected to port 3000 of the app server.
Services — , Lua, . ore.register_service(function)).
Service guarde.lua:
function _M.hello_world(applet)
local response = string.format([[<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>]], message);
applet:add_header("content-type", "text/html");
applet:add_header("content-length", string.len(response))
Service register.lua:
package.path = package.path .. "./?.lua;/usr/local/etc/haproxy/?.lua"
local guard = require("guard")
core.register_service("hello-world", "http", guard.hello_world);
"http" , Service http (mode http).
global lua-load /usr/local/etc/haproxy/register.lua frontend jwt mode http bind *:80 use_backend backend_app http-request use-service lua.hello-world if { path /hello_world } backend backend_app mode http server app1 app:3000
, Haproxy /hello_world, , lua.hello-world.
applet. .
Actions — , . Actions ( ) . Actions . Action. txn. Haproxy Action . Action, Bearer :
function _M.validate_token_action(txn)
local auth_header = core.tokenize(txn.sf:hdr("Authorization"), " ")
if auth_header[1] ~= "Bearer" or not auth_header[2] then
return txn:set_var("txn.not_authorized", true);
local claim = jwt.decode(auth_header[2],{alg="RS256",keys={public=public_key}});
if not claim then
return txn:set_var("txn.not_authorized", true);
if claim.exp < os.time() then
return txn:set_var("txn.authentication_timeout", true);
txn:set_var("txn.jwt_authorized", true);
core.register_action("validate-token", { "http-req" }, guard.validate_token_action);
{ "http-req" } , Action http ( ).
Haproxy, Action http-request:
frontend jwt mode http bind *:80 http-request use-service lua.hello-world if { path /hello_world } http-request lua.validate-token if { path -m beg /api/ }
, Action, ACL (Access Control Lists) — Haproxy:
acl jwt_authorized var(txn.jwt_authorized) -m bool use_backend app if jwt_authorized { path -m beg /api/ }
Haproxy Action validate-token:
global lua-load /usr/local/etc/haproxy/register.lua frontend jwt mode http bind *:80 http-request use-service lua.hello-world if { path /hello_world } http-request lua.validate-token if { path -m beg /api } acl bad_request var(txn.bad_request) -m bool acl not_authorized var(txn.not_authorized) -m bool acl authentication_timeout var(txn.authentication_timeout) -m bool acl too_many_request var(txn.too_many_request) -m bool acl jwt_authorized var(txn.jwt_authorized) -m bool http-request deny deny_status 400 if bad_request { path -m beg /api/ } http-request deny deny_status 401 if !jwt_authorized { path -m beg /api/ } || not_authorized { path -m beg /api/ } http-request return status 419 content-type text/html string "Authentication Timeout" if authentication_timeout { path -m beg /api/ } http-request deny deny_status 429 if too_many_request { path -m beg /api/ } http-request deny deny_status 429 if too_many_request { path -m beg /auth/ } use_backend app if { path /hello } use_backend app if { path /auth/login } use_backend app if jwt_authorized { path -m beg /api/ } backend app mode http server app1 app:3000
Fetches — . , , Haproxy. , Fetch:
function _M.validate_token_fetch(txn)
local auth_header = core.tokenize(txn.sf:hdr("Authorization"), " ")
if auth_header[1] ~= "Bearer" or not auth_header[2] then
return "not_authorized";
local claim = jwt.decode(auth_header[2],{alg="RS256",keys={public=public_key}});
if not claim then
return "not_authorized";
if claim.exp < os.time() then
return "authentication_timeout";
return "jwt_authorized:" .. claim.jti;
core.register_fetches("validate-token", _M.validate_token_fetch);
ACL Fetches :
http-request set-var(txn.validate_token) lua.validate-token() acl bad_request var(txn.validate_token) == "bad_request" -m bool acl not_authorized var(txn.validate_token) == "not_authorized" -m bool acl authentication_timeout var(txn.validate_token) == "authentication_timeout" -m bool acl too_many_request var(txn.validate_token) == "too_many_request" -m bool acl jwt_authorized var(txn.validate_token) -m beg "jwt_authorized"
Converters . Converters, Fetches, , Haproxy. Haproxy Converters , , .
Converter, Authorization :
function _M.validate_token_converter(auth_header_string)
local auth_header = core.tokenize(auth_header_string, " ")
if auth_header[1] ~= "Bearer" or not auth_header[2] then
return "not_authorized";
local claim = jwt.decode(auth_header[2],{alg="RS256",keys={public=public_key}});
if not claim then
return "not_authorized";
if claim.exp < os.time() then
return "authentication_timeout";
return "jwt_authorized";
core.register_converters("validate-token-converter", _M.validate_token_converter);
http-request set-var(txn.validate_token) hdr(authorization),lua.validate-token-converter
Authorization, Fetch hdr() Converter lua.validate-token-converter.
Stick Table
Stick Table — -, , DDoS ( REST ). . Fetches Converters, , , cookie jti, . Stick Table . — ( ), , Haproxy. Stick Table:
stick-table type string size 100k expire 30s store http_req_rate(10s) http-request track-sc1 lua.validate-token() http-request deny deny_status 429 if { sc_http_req_rate(1) gt 3 }
1. . . 100k. 30 . 10 .
2. , Fetch lua.validate-token(), 1, (track-sc1)
3. , 2, 1 (sc_http_req_rate(1)) 3 — 429.
( ) — Actions . , . Haproxy c Nginx/Openresty Envoy, . Envoy , , . Openresty, , , Openresty. , Nodejs, — NIO ( -). - , Openresty Lua 5.1 Lua 5.2 5.3. Haproxy, Openresty, Lua . , Envoy, . , Openresty — , .
Redis. Stick Table. , . "" , "" . , . . , "" ( ) 100%. , . , . Redis, , :
function _M.validate_body(txn, keys, ttl, count, ip)
local body = txn.f:req_body();
local status, data = pcall(json.decode, body);
if not (status and type(data) == "table") then
return txn:set_var("txn.bad_request", true);
local redis_key = "validate:body"
for i, name in pairs(keys) do
if data[name] == nil or data[name] == "" then
return txn:set_var("txn.bad_request", true);
redis_key = redis_key .. ":" .. name .. ":" .. data[name]
if (ip) then
redis_key = redis_key .. ":ip:" .. ip
local test = _M.redis_incr(txn, redis_key, ttl, count);
function _M.redis_incr(txn, key, ttl, count)
local prefixed_key = "mobile:guard:" .. key
local tcp = core.tcp();
if tcp == nil then
return false;
if tcp:connect(redis_ip, redis_port) == nil then
return false;
local client = redis.connect({socket=tcp});
local status, result = pcall(client.set, client, prefixed_key, "0", "EX", ttl, "NX");
status, result = pcall(client.incrby, client, prefixed_key, 1);
if tonumber(result) > count + 0.1 then
txn:set_var("txn.too_many_request", true)
return false;
return true;
core.register_action("validate-body", { "http-req" }, function(txn)
_M.validate_body(txn, {"name"}, 10, 2);
The code used in this post is available in the repository . In particular, there is a docker-compose.yml file that will help you get the environment you need to work.
December 5, 2020