Life hacks for marketers or "How to save a business in times of COVID-19"

We know how difficult it is for you now, dear colleagues, during the COVID-19 global pandemic. That is why we have created this material for you.

So, new restrictions have already been introduced in almost all regions of Russia. What's next? How can your business "survive" in these conditions? Let's tell!

Update information on your website and social networks on time

If you are a "happy" representative of the beauty industry or, say, the restaurant business and any segment of the hospitality sector (HoReCa), and you had to temporarily close, then you should immediately notify your customers about this on all possible Internet sites: website, social networks, Google Maps, Yandex maps, Zoon and other platforms that contain information about your institution. Be sure to let your customers know that you will be open soon and will keep them updated every day - this will give them an incentive to constantly visit your profiles to check the relevance of the information. And this, in turn, will lead you to the top viewed sites or profiles on social networks.

Why not? After all, this will help you not only to retain regular customers, but also to interest new ones! Post not only information about when you will open again, but also how you will please your customers immediately after opening: for example, in the first three days after the "post-COVID opening", each customer - a service / glass of wine / a cup of coffee / participation in drawing (and much more) as a gift! Maintain the interest of your customers at the right level, even if you have to close your doors for them for now.

Shape your posts, posts and calls to action the way "post-quarantinetime" requires

Imagine that the pandemic is over, everyone comes to life and comes back to life. So what will play best in your communication with a client when everyone is tired of sitting at home and being afraid-afraid-afraid? Win on such words and slogans in your advertising as “We are with you!”, “We support you!”, “Can't come to us? Then we are going to you! ”,“ The most negative word in 2020 - “positive”? Then be sure that we are always “neutral” with us, “We are always there, even though online. Smile! " etc. Be sure to add that you are always there to help - sometimes a simple reminder that someone cares about you can grow into a great achievement in your communication with a client.

Consider all your financial costs and investments

Most likely, your business has already (alas!) Suffered financial losses. So now is the time to make sure that all (without exception) your marketing efforts and promotion channels are paying off. Below we give you an example of sites that help your business - with their help, you can correctly track the presence of your business in the online space:

  • Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics: these are free resources for all types of companies that have a website. The services have a simple, straightforward and user-friendly interface and provide you with useful information about who your users are, how they found your website, and what exactly they are interested in.
  • : Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Vkontakte — , . SMM (socialmediamarketing), , , , , - . , — .
  • Do you advertise on most or all of the listed platforms? We recommend that you try cross-platform analytics tools to have quick and convenient access to all reports from just one mobile application. As an example, we recommend the following apps: (our favorite), Vizia and Hootsuite.

Use bulk email

Every time you make an e-mail newsletter, take time to analyze the previous mailings: how many people opened your message, and how many of them clicked on the link inside? How have the statistics changed in relation to the previous mass mailing? If you notice an unnaturally high percentage of people unsubscribing from your mailings, or, conversely, a low level of clicks, consider revising and changing the message to subscribers or changing the entire content of the message in general.

Your newsletter content is extremely important! Forget about messages like “Buy-Buy-Buy! Well, buy it! ”,“ Black Friday only today and only for you! ”,“ We ​​give a discount, only BUY! ”. And vice versa, what is likely to "go" to your subscribers: not just interesting, but also USEFUL content. As an example: "We reveal the secrets of the fashion industry in 2020", "Did you know about the trends in the dairy industry?", "Only shhh ... We will tell you about the most unique cases of our company!"

Important note: if you use bulk mailing frequently, remember to clean up your databases regularly. Make sure that all the contacts who receive your message are relevant and still potential leads. If you use a CRM system for mass mailings, be sure that you always update the information about those contacts who unsubscribed from your mailing list in time and entered them into the DoNotSend list in your CRM. If you do not do this in time, you will provoke a wave of negativity towards your company. And, as we all know, it is quite difficult and expensive to deal with negativity on the Internet.

Examine the pain of your clients again

Are you sure you know all the pains of your target audience? Have you even done some trendy marketing research and blah blah blah on this? We hasten to disappoint you. The pandemic turned the world upside down: the usual way of life of people, their priorities, values ​​and fears. So why do you think your customers' pains are the same? So what is so important to do right now? Analyze the current pains of your customers and leads NOW. And then describe exactly what your products or services can solve these same pains, problems and fears. "Hit the sick", we are not afraid of these words!

Right now, most people (at least we hope so) are cutting back on their shopping, restaurants and other crowded places. And this number is now strikingly different from what it was before the pandemic. Think about what people have been giving up during quarantine and the pandemic in general all this time? This is exactly what needs to be reminded!

As an example, many during quarantine refused to go to hairdressers and barbershops. Therefore, immediately after the quarantine, such establishments must react quickly and invest in social media advertising, targeted and contextual advertising, to remind them to regular and new customers that they are open and waiting for a long-awaited haircut! Or another example: do people miss visiting beauty salons? Nails crave manicure, and skin for beauty injections? Offer your clients home visit services with mandatory (!) Compliance with all sanitary standards. And finally: did people miss all sorts of events? Invite them to participate in your coolest online event!

So, remember an important principle: discovered the client's need -> filled the client's need.

Launch online sales

If your business involves the possibility of selling your goods or services online - take advantage of it urgently! Even if at first glance your business does not fall into this category, remember the example of beauty services with a home visit and think again: what can your customers buy online from your line of products and services? Placing your products on well-known platforms of online merchandise aggregators like Asos, Lamoda or Ozon is always a great and effective way to attract new customers. Do you want to enter foreign markets? Try sites like Shopify and Magento.

Follow the reviews about you!

Did you know that 72% of potential customers take absolutely no action to purchase a product or service until they read reviews about it on the Internet (according to a study by Hosting Tribunal)? Shocking figure, isn't it? Therefore: be sure to monitor reviews about you in Yandex, Google, Yelp, Facebook, Zoon and many other sites where your customers could leave feedback about your company or your products and services. Remember to respond to customer comments on time and with respect. As an example, when you respond to a negative review, it shows that you are progressive and care about finding the source of the problem (if there is one) and solving it as soon as possible and with maximum customer care. We offer you two assistants in monitoring your reviews and maintaining your excellent reputation: and


And it doesn't matter, right now or after the pandemic - start stirring up their interest today! Believe me, after a pandemic, competition will increase significantly in any industry. Prepare for this, start attracting customers now. Offer them a variety of bonuses and ... useful content. For example, closed client information (this can be any material that requires registration) is now very popular among marketers. We think there is no need to explain why :) Create useful material that will be of interest to your client. And the client, in turn, will supply you with their contact information for further involvement in the sales funnel. This is definitely a "win-win" situation. Not sure what material you can do for your clients? Catch a couple of ideas from us: it can be a video tutorial or a webinar, an online training course,consultation or seminar, guideline or checklist, infographics or sensational client questionnaires. Anything you want! If only I would like to download and use this material.

Remember: "The best friends of marketers are task managers"

In order not to lose useful information and all the tasks that you set yourself after reading this checklist, use task managers. Our short selection of the coolest ones:

  • Trello - we are sure you all already know it.
  • Asana - it is not necessary to buy a paid version, the free one allows you to cover up to 80% of your needs.
  • Zenkit is very similar to Trello, it can be a very good alternative if, for some reason, Trello suddenly bothers you or evokes not the most pleasant emotions.
  • Taskade is the ideal manager for start-ups and small projects.

Keep moving forward!

We know that things are not so simple now! And we really hope and believe that our brief recommendations will help you and your business! We are with you and we believe in you!


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