KioskBrowser - Free Kiosk Browser with Large Cyrillic Keyboard

A kiosk is a computer with a full-screen browser.


ATMs, payment terminals, information kiosks, advertising panels - all these are computers with a full-screen browser. And when you need to do something like that, the question arises which browser to put on the kiosk.

Those who have tried using universal browsers in kiosk mode are likely to run into problems:

  • adding a virtual keyboard without Ctrl and Alt;
  • keys on the virtual keyboard must be large;
  • there should be no problems with layouts;
  • PDF , ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;

(Chrome, Firefox), , .

, , Portues Kiosk ( ), , KioskBrowser.

KioskBrowser , , PDF, .

NW.js, Chromium. HTML5.

input textarea webview, webview .

webview, NW.js webview.

NW.js , Electron.

KioskBrowser, .

.KioskBrowser/config.js, (%userprofile%/.KioskBrowser/config.js Windows ~/.KioskBrowser/config.js Linux). config, JS- .

— . Windows 10 (.. Ctrl, Alt, Del). JS, , .

KioskBrowser , .

"" "", . , ( ).

config.js : title, chromeColor, textColor, gui.isHeaderHidden, gui.isBackHidden, gui.isHomeHidden.

- , , gui.scrollbarWidth.

, ( ).

KioskBrowser ( ), PDF-, Chrome, isPrinterBlocked, PDF , .

Adobe Flash

Adobe Flash , , KioskBrowser Flash- Chrome. Flash Player, Windows . , Flash-, Adobe Flash . Linux Adobe Flash .

, - URL. KioskBrowser - URL .

, , RFID- ( ).

- , .


var config = {
  homeUrl: "",
  httpServer: {
    isEnabled: true,
    secret: "***********",
    hostname: "",
    port: 8080
module.exports = config;

() URL . :*****&

secret — . -, IP- httpServer.hostname.

- . RFID-.


RFID KioskBrowser - :*****&

( ), , , .

: , 1 . — , antiBornPixels.padding. .

— " ", antiBornPixels.flickerPixelInterval. " " , , , . , " " , (antiBornPixels.flickerPixelInterval = 0).

H.264 . Windows 10 Microsoft Store ( ). VP9, AV1 .

Windows 10 Pro ( Explorer), Microsoft Store. exe-, Windows IoT. , KioskBrowser Microsoft Store .. Microsoft , ( Windows ms-webview Edge).

, Windows IoT, .

: , .

KioskBrowser Windows 7+ Linux x86/x86_64. : 2-4, 1 , .

, , . , KioskBrowser Calculate Linux Linux . Windows 10 Windows 10 IoT .. Explorer .


x86 .


%userprofile%/.KioskBrowser/config.js UTF-8.

, homeUrl :

var config = {
  homeUrl: ""
module.exports = config;


, , .


( /opt/KioskBrowser):

$ mkdir /opt/KioskBrowser


$ cd /opt/KioskBrowser


Linux x86:

$ wget

Linux x86_64:

$ wget


$ unzip KioskBrowser-linux-*.zip


$ chmod 0555 KioskBrowser


$ mkdir ~/.KioskBrowser
$ vi ~/.KioskBrowser/config.js

, homeUrl :

var config = {
  homeUrl: ""
module.exports = config;




$ /opt/KioskBrowser/KioskBrowser

Ctrl+Alt+F1 :

$ pkill KioskBrowser

/opt/KioskBrowser/KioskBrowser .



Windows %userprofile%/.KioskBrowser/config.js, Linux ~/.KioskBrowser/config.js.

config.js JSON , . config.js.


var config = {
     title: "Informational kiosk",   /* (string)      */
     homeUrl: "",
     homeUrlInactivityTimeoutSec: 180,               /* (int)       ,   0      . */
     chromeColor: "#323232",         /* (string)      */
     textColor: "#C1C1C1",           /* (string)      */
     useWebView: false,              /*  webview (  Flash Player,       */
     useRecursiveIframeBinding: true, /* (boolean)       iframe */
     isUseVirtualKeyboard: true,    /* (boolean)    . */
     isPrinterBlocked: true,        /* (boolean)    PDF */
     httpServer: {
             isEnabled: false,               /* (boolean)   -   RPC */
             secret: null,                   /* (string)      RPC    "key".    null   HTTP-API  . */
             hostname: "localhost",  /* (string)    IP-    - */
             port: 80                                /*  (int)  -. */
     antiBornPixels: {                       /*   . */
             isEnabled: true,                /* (boolean)    . */
             padding: 10,                    /* (int)             ,    .    0. */
             flickerPixelInterval: 0 /* (int)      .     16 . 0 -  .   ,     30 ,    16.       -      ,      . */
     gui: {
             scrollbarWidth: 17,     /* (int)   .       17 . */
             isHeaderHidden: false,  /* (boolean)   true     . */
             isBackHidden: false,    /* (boolean)   ""    */
             isHomeHidden: false     /* (boolean)   ""    */

config.js :

module.exports = config;


var config = {
   homeUrl: ""
module.exports = config;

, .

It can be independently installed on your PC or an organization's kiosk, as well as pre-installed on equipment. You can use it for both commercial and non-commercial purposes, but the browser program itself cannot be posted on other sites (the software can only be distributed from the official one). The latest version of the license can be found on the official website.

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