How to automate a podcast for a penny [p. 2/2]

For almost a year now, we have been recording a podcast, and if at first it took more than an hour to mix and upload an episode, now the time spent has been reduced by more than half. Everything that is possible is automated. In the clouds. Almost Free!

A detailed analysis of the crazy preparation steps, the wild number of services involved, dumb crutches and open source under the cut.

. , , , , (   ). , , , — . - , . , , — . .

1. VS Code

, , Python . , , VS Code. Code. !

2. Airtable

. , ,  Airtable. , , , . 

, . Airtable — , , : "" " ", ( 2-3 - ). -, , . 

Airtable . , . Airtable , , - . - , . 

3. Google Drive Google Apps Script

,     App Engine, -,  Zencastr ( ) . , ,  Auphonic ( ) - Airtable, .

4. Integromat

 Integromat, . Integromat — . . ... , - Facebook. — 1000 , , - ( , ), , . 1000 . , ( ), . Google Script.

5. Auphonic

, , , . " API"​, , , Google Drive, .

6. ffmpeg

,   ffmpeg , Garage Band, . ffmpeg ( github) , , , . !

7. Markdown

Preview this article in VS Code
VS Code

   API ( ) . , Markdown, VS Code . ,  Hugo, .

? - . , , .

Airtable: , " ", , . , , - .

Integromat . , , ("" ), - ( ) , , "". , -.

, API.

, , , .. SMM-, , -.

, ? - , (, ) API, , . - , AWS/Azure/DO... — , . , , - V.2 , .

PS I will be happy to hear examples of solving similar automation tasks, or advice on simplification (all the code is available  in the GitHub ).

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