How we built at dentsu Link.One (part I-I)

It so happened that our R&D in 2018 was formed mostly from developers and technical managers, so we have a historically greater bias towards Development than Research. And any incoming task that has been validated for the presence of a problem is often regarded by us primarily from the standpoint of an engineer:

Everything is clear here ... do it once, do it twice, the result is the result
… , ,

, : 

  1. - ? 

  2. -, - ?

  3. ? ? / ?

  4. ?

  5. 2 ? 2 ? 

, , .

, :

: - ( ), ( ), ( ).

β€œ ”, , - , , – . , , β€œβ€, , D, -, , !

β€œβ€, :)

A buzzword that has captured the minds of managers over the past few years

- , (, , , ) : MVP, , Power Platform.

Link.One. , , .

1. , Microsoft !

( ), 2017, no/low-code , 2019-.

IFTTT (2017), PowerApps (2018), , botmother, autofaq just-ai (2019), time-to-market - . 

2020-, (dentsu) Teams, , , - 5% Office 365 Power Platform, E3 . .. β€œ ” , .

, Power Platform , Power Platform

, , Awara-IT. , , , , . , …  2021-.

2. low-code !

2021-, Awara , , 2021- - Power Apps. --- :)

, , , , , , ( β€” , - ) ...

Me and the Link.One project (source:
Link.One (:

. , , , , . , :)

, , , , , β€œ ” .

How I sketched the concept in Miro

Awara , (, ), -, review UX/UI, 8-10 .

Kolya came, brought magic dust from Figma and began to look nicer
, Figma

? ! , Power Apps , Sharepoint , Power Automate - , Windows Workflow Foundation, , , .

Power Platform , - . β€œ-”, .

3. low-code ,

, , , 2008-. , , , ( , MVP, ). . , , .

Many people talk about it and do not apply it to anything (CodeFest'2013 Dneprovsky P.)
(CodeFest’2013 .)

, low-code? , .

, 3- ( . 2), button-clicking’ . 200-250 , - , , 10-15 .


UI PowerApps – !

- Google Microsoft.

( , 80-) , : .

Hi, I am a dropdown!
, !
Do you want to play?
, ?
Well, you get the idea ...
And I am a friend of the dropdown: the date field, click on me :)
: , :)
What are you saying, you don't have Full HD resolution?  And, then, forgive me, you won't see half of me at all.
, Full HD ? , , .

, . 10 - , .

, , :

dev, stage, prod !

, , Awara, ? 

, , , 2000- prod , , , , . , Power Platform – , , citizen developers.

– , , sharepoint-, powerapps- .

! , , git flow . ( Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V). ,   , , - (, )?  

, , , , .


, Sharepoint-, , , - Sharepoint- , enterprise . 

, . SP2013, , , , . 

, MVP Power Platform Data Verse, Azure PowerApps, -- low-code 1 ? 

, , , , , Microsoft .

, :

  1. , , 3-5 , 6 , :

    ) , Sharepoint , 40 , , .

    ) , , Sharepoint-, .

    Grandfather can be replaced with Sharepoint (author: Eva Morozova)
    Sharepoint (: )
  2. Exchange, , . 

    Awara-IT, , , Power Platform. , , Outlook-.

  3. , , , .

Guess how many scrollbars are there?
, ?
And here is not 4, but 6, just two unobvious, and if the comment is large, then maybe 7 or more :)
4, 6, , , 7 :)

, Power Apps? , , , , , MVP . , Figma, , , . 

, , TTM , ( , , !), Power Apps , 3 , 3 , , , Power Apps, , , MVP, , :)


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