Plain Binary Tree for Test Job

Once I was doing a job assignment after an interview, something like a test assignment, but not at home. There was the Internet and I googled the C code and found some code that contained errors, because of this I could not complete the task for which an hour was allocated. Why did it happen I will only say that in terms of programming everything was bad for me to a minimum and I did not have my own code for trees and for graphs either.

And so let's start with the basics:

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// #1             , 
#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
struct node
	int info;                           // 
	node *l, *r;                        //    

node *tree = NULL;                      // ,    

/*     */
void push(int a, node **t)
	if ((*t) == NULL)                   //   
		(*t) = new node;                // 
		(*t)->info = a;                 //     a
		(*t)->l = (*t)->r = NULL;       //    
		return;                         // , 
	if (a > (*t)->info) push(a, &(*t)->r); //      ,   
	else push(a, &(*t)->l);         //   

/*    */
void print(node *t, int u)
	if (t == NULL) return;                  //  ,   , 
	else //
		print(t->l, ++u);                   //     
		for (int i = 0; i < u; ++i) cout << "|";
		cout << t->info << endl;            //  
	print(t->r, ++u);                       //     
int sum(node *node_) {
	if (node_ == 0) return 0;
	return node_->info + sum(node_->l) + sum(node_->r);
int main()
	int n = 16;                              // 
	int s;                              //,   

	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		s = -5 + rand() % 10;                       //   
		push(s, &tree);                 //    
	cout << " \n";
	print(tree, 0);
	cout << "\n"<<
		sum(tree) << endl;

. .

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