Configuring Sendmail to send mail without getting into Spam

Faced a problem: on a properly configured Apache server with installed modules and configured domain records from the provider - letters sent via the mail function from php scripts ended up in spam or were not delivered at all.

I began to understand and could not find more than one full-fledged publication on the Russian Internet that would reveal the problem and help solve all the issues.

I present to your attention, collected from various sources, tested and used method of configuring the server for the correct sending of sendmail emails.

System: Ubuntu 20.06

Mail service: Yandex

1. Installing Sendmail

If for some reason it was not installed. Perform basic installation and configuration

sudo apt-get install php-mail
sudo apt-get install sendmail
sudo sendmailconfig


Rule php.ini

Instead of, write mail to which reports will be sent (header Return-Path :).

sendmail_path = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f -i"


The Return-Path: header is an important header in the eyes of email services.

If you don't set it, the header will be something like "Return-Path: <noreply@localhost.localdomain>".

It is highly desirable that the header value always coincides with the domain name from which the message is sent, regardless of the value of the From: header, otherwise it may be sent to Spam or rejected altogether.

2. Configuring DNS records

We need to configure SPF, DMARC, DKIM records.

What is responsible for what I will not paint. Runet has a huge number of instructions.

If you also use any mail service, they have their own detailed instructions for setting up.

What you should pay attention to is that the IP-address of the server is registered in the SPF.

v=spf1 ip4:ip_server ~all

Next, you need to request a reverse rDNS record (PTR record) from your DNS hosting provider .

Bind your domain to the server ip-address.

As a rule, the provider independently installs it upon request.

4. Change hostname

Set hostname equal to our domain name:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname

5. Edit the file

Go to the /etc/mail/ file.

We need to configure the "Received: from" and "Received: by" headers. They are important in determining the level of trust in the server sending the email.

Add the following lines at the end of the file before MAILER_DEFINITIONS



And at the end of the file:

define(`MAIL_HUB', `')dnl
define(`LOCAL_RELAY', `')dnl


6. Checking the apache and firewall settings

sudo ufw allow 25
sudo nano /etc/apache2/envvars


We are looking for lines and replace www-data with the current user under which apache is running

export APACHE_RUN_USER = www-data

export APACHE_RUN_GROUP = www-data

7. Update the configuration and restart sendmail

sudo sendmailconfig
sudo service sendmail restart
sudo systemctl restart apache2


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