Continuous Integration and Deployment with Jenkins

At first I found it difficult to work with Jenkins because most of the articles on installing and configuring it were out of date. Therefore, I am writing about this to make it easier for someone's work and to make it so that they do not have to go through what I had to go through installing it.

So, let's begin.

First of all, what is Jenkins?

Jenkins — , , , .

, , Jenkins ( ) , . PR master ( main).


  • .

  • , .

  • Jenkins , , .

, CI/CD Node Jenkins. , , :

  1. GitHub node

  2. node GitHub

  3. Heroku  

  4. Jenkins

  5. - GitHub Jenkins

  6. Jenkins

  7. GitHub Jenkins

  8. Jenkins Heroku

  • GitHub. .

  • Ubuntu. Digital Ocean, $100, GitHub. Ubuntu . , Ubuntu 20.04, sudo-, SSH .

Heroku. .

  • GitHub. .

  • Ubuntu. Digital Ocean, $100, GitHub. Ubuntu . , Ubuntu 20.04, sudo-, SSH .

  • Heroku. .

, !

1 - GitHub node

GitHub . , jenkins-test



Node. , public.

2 - node GitHub

, :

git clone <repository_url>

repository_url .


, cd , npm init

. , CLI .

, package.json, start test :

"start": "node index.js",
"test": "jest"

express node, , :

npm install express

index.js, node, :

const express = require("express");

const app = express();

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  res.status(200).json("Hello world");

module.exports = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 4000, () =>
  console.log(`Running on http://localhost:4000`)

npm start

http://localhost:4000/ Node, Hello world.

, , CI, , .

, , , , jest supertest :

npm install --save-dev jest supertest

__test__ ( , ). __test__ index.test.js ( ).

const request = require("supertest");
const app = require("../index");

describe("Get route", () => {
  it("page should return hello world", async (done) => {
    const res = await request(app).get("/");
    expect(res.body).toEqual("Hello world");

afterAll(async () => {
  await app.close();

npm test

npm run test

, , () ():

, , GitHub.

git add .
git commit -m “initial commit
git push

3 - Heroku



Create new app ( ).

App name ( ) (Choose a region), .

(Create app).

login () Heroku Heroku CLI. Heroku CLI, .

remote :

heroku git:remote -a heroku-app-name


git push heroku <github-branch-name>

, , , . open app ( ) Heroku, , .

4 - Jenkins


ssh username@droplet_ip_address


sudo apt-get update

java runtime:

sudo apt-get install default-jre
sudo apt-get install default-jdk


wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb binary/ > \
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins

, Jenkins :

sudo systemctl start jenkins

Jenkins, :

sudo systemctl status jenkins


Jenkins 8080, ufw:

sudo ufw allow 8080

ufw :

sudo ufw status

http://ip_address:8080 Jenkins, Unlock Jenkins.

Jenkins, . Administrator password ( ).

Customize Jenkins ( Jenkins), Install suggested plugins ( ).

Create First Admin User ( -). Username ( ), Password (), Full name ( ) E-mail address ( ) , Save and Continue ( ).

IP- , .. http://ip_address:8080, Save and Finish ( ).

, Jenkins ! Start using Jenkins ( Jenkins).

5 - - GitHub Jenkins

GitHub Settings (), Webhooks. Add webhooks ( -) url Jenkins /github-webhook/ Payload URL.

application/json Content-type.

Just the push event , -.

Active Add webhook. GitHub Jenkins.

6 - Jenkins


ssh username@droplet_ip_address

root, :

sudo su
apt install npm

root npm, Jenkins . .

su jenkins


ssh-keygen -t rsa

Enter , Enter.


cat ~/.ssh/


non-root .

authorized_keys :

sudo vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

id_rsa .

, , jenkins non-root, ssh. , .

7 - GitHub Jenkins

Jenkins Manage jenkins ( jenkins), Manage plugins ( ).

Available github Github Integration plugin ( Github).

Install without restart ( ), .

8 - Jenkins Heroku

, GitHub Jenkins, .

New Item ( ), Freestyle project OK.

, , , Configure .

, general (), Github project option ( Github) Github project link ( Github) (url , .git).

Source Code Management ( ), Git Repository URL .git ( url, ).

master main , .

Add repository ( ), , Heroku.

Heroku, App settings ( ) Heroku .

Jenkins Repository URL.

, Add, Heroku.

Jenkins , .

, Kind () - Username with password ( ), Scope () - global ().

username ( ) , , - . heroku .

Heroku Api key (Api-) Password 

 () Save (). Heroku Api key, Heroku, Account Settings ( ) , Api key. Password ().

Description () , .

Add (), .

, , . , .

advanced Name, . . jenkinsTest, .

Build Triggers GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling ( GitHub GITScm).

Build Add build step ( ) Execute shell ( ). :


ssh non-root-username@<droplet_ip_address>
alias proj="cd node-app-name"
git pull origin main
npm install
npm test || exit 1

Add post-build action ( ), Git Publisher Push Only If Build Succeeds ( ).

Add Branch ( ), Branch to Push Name, Heroku, Target remote name ( jenkinsTest, , ).

Save ().

, Build now ( ) !

GitHub. , Heroku.

-, JavaScript-:

JavaScript Developer. Basic

JavaScript Developer. Professional

Node.js Developer

React.js Developer

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