Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum! We analyze the errors of the game engine Storm Engine

PVS-Studio is a static analysis tool that allows you to find errors in the source code of programs. As an acquaintance with the analyzer's capabilities, we offer you the result of PVS-Studio's check of the source code of the Storm Engine.

Storm Engine

Storm Engine - , 2000 . 26 2021 GPLv3 GitHub. C++.

235 High 794 Medium. , . – , .

1029 – , , . , , , . , .

PVS-Studio: V547 Expression 'nStringCode >= 0xffffff' is always false. dstring_codec.h 84

uint32_t Convert(const char *pString, ....)
  uint32_t nStringCode;
  nStringCode = ((((unsigned char)pString[0]) << 8) & 0xffffff00) |
  if (nStringCode >= 0xffffff)
  return nStringCode;

, nStringCode. unsigned char [0, 255], (unsigned char)pString[0] 2^8, *8 * 2^16, . 255. nStringCode 2^16+256, , 0xffffff = 2^24-1, . , , :

uint32_t Convert(const char *pString, ....)
  uint32_t nStringCode;
  nStringCode = ((((unsigned char)pString[0]) << 8) & 0xffffff00) |
  return nStringCode;

, . , , , DHASH_SINGLESYM. , , , , .

PVS-Studio: V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: 0x00 <= c. utf8.h 187

inline bool IsValidUtf8(....)
  int c, i, ix, n, j;
  for (i = 0, ix = str.length(); i < ix; i++)s
    c = (unsigned char)str[i];
    if (0x00 <= c && c <= 0x7f)
      n = 0;

c , 0x00 <= c , . :

inline bool IsValidUtf8(....)
  int c, i, ix, n, j;
  for (i = 0, ix = str.length(); i < ix; i++)s
    c = (unsigned char)str[i];
    if (c <= 0x7f)
      n = 0;

PVS-Studio: V557 Array overrun is possible. The value of 'TempLong2 - TempLong1 + 1' index could reach 520. internal_functions.cpp 1131

DATA *COMPILER::BC_CallIntFunction(....)
  if (TempLong2 - TempLong1 >= sizeof(Message_string))
    SetError("internal: buffer too small");
    pV = SStack.Push();
    pVResult = pV;
    return pV;
  memcpy(Message_string, pChar + TempLong1, 
         TempLong2 - TempLong1 + 1);
  Message_string[TempLong2 - TempLong1 + 1] = 0;
  pV = SStack.Push();

off-by-one error.

, TempLong2 - TempLong1 Message_string, TempLong2 - TempLong1 + 1. , TempLong2 - TempLong1 + 1 == sizeof(Message_string), , , , . :

DATA *COMPILER::BC_CallIntFunction(....)
  if (TempLong2 - TempLong1 + 1 >= sizeof(Message_string))
    SetError("internal: buffer too small");
    pV = SStack.Push();
    pVResult = pV;
    return pV;
  memcpy(Message_string, pChar + TempLong1, 
         TempLong2 - TempLong1 + 1);
  Message_string[TempLong2 - TempLong1 + 1] = 0;
  pV = SStack.Push();

PVS-Studio: V570 The 'Data_num' variable is assigned to itself. s_stack.cpp 36

uint32_t Data_num;
DATA *S_STACK::Push(....)
  if (Data_num > 1000)
    Data_num = Data_num;

, . *Data_num * . , . , , . – 1000, . , .

PVS-Studio: V595 The 'rs' pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 163, 164. Fader.cpp 163

uint64_t Fader::ProcessMessage(....)
  textureID = rs->TextureCreate(_name);
  if (rs)

rs, nullptr. nullptr, , :

uint64_t Fader::ProcessMessage(....)
  if (rs)
    textureID = rs->TextureCreate(_name);

, rs != nullptr, if (rs) , :

uint64_t Fader::ProcessMessage(....)
  textureID = rs->TextureCreate(_name);

. , textureID.

14 V595.

, PVS-Studio. :

PVS-Studio: V595 The 'pACh' pointer was utilized before it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 1214, 1215. sail.cpp 1214

void SAIL::SetAllSails(int groupNum)
  SetSailTextures(groupNum, core.Event("GetSailTextureData", 
                 "l", pACh->GetAttributeAsDword("index",  -1)));
  if (pACh != nullptr){

*Event * pACh, nullptr. , SetSailTextures, pACh, :

void SAIL::SetAllSails(int groupNum)
  if (pACh != nullptr){
    SetSailTextures(groupNum, core.Event("GetSailTextureData", 
                    "l", pACh->GetAttributeAsDword("index",  -1)));

, pACh – , :

void SAIL::SetAllSails(int groupNum)
  SetSailTextures(groupNum, core.Event("GetSailTextureData", 
                  "l", pACh->GetAttributeAsDword("index",  -1)));

new[] – delete

PVS-Studio: V611 The memory was allocated using 'new T[]' operator but was released using the 'delete' operator. Consider inspecting this code. It's probably better to use 'delete [] pVSea;'. Check lines: 169, 191. SEA.cpp 169

struct CVECTOR
    union {
        float x, y, z;
      float v[3];
struct SeaVertex
  CVECTOR vNormal;
  float tu, tv;
#define STORM_DELETE (x)
{ delete x; x = 0; }

void SEA::SFLB_CreateBuffers()
    pVSea = new SeaVertex[NUM_VERTEXS];
SEA::~SEA() {

– , . : new[] delete *delete[]*. , *pVSea * . – , .

runtime – , . , new[] , , , . delete , , , . , . , , .

, . 15 , :

  • V611 The memory was allocated using 'new T[]' operator but was released using the 'delete' operator. Consider inspecting this code. It's probably better to use 'delete [] m_pShowPlaces;'. Check lines: 421, 196. ActivePerkShower.cpp 421

  • V611 The memory was allocated using 'new T[]' operator but was released using the 'delete' operator. Consider inspecting this code. It's probably better to use 'delete [] pTable;'. Check lines: 371, 372. AIFlowGraph.h 371

  • V611 The memory was allocated using 'new T[]' operator but was released using the 'delete' operator. Consider inspecting this code. It's probably better to use 'delete [] vrt;'. Check lines: 33, 27. OctTree.cpp 33

  • V611 The memory was allocated using 'new T[]' operator but was released using the 'delete' operator. Consider inspecting this code. It's probably better to use 'delete [] flist;'. Flag.cpp 738

  • V611 The memory was allocated using 'new T[]' operator but was released using the 'delete' operator. Consider inspecting this code. It's probably better to use 'delete [] rlist;'. Rope.cpp 660

, STORM_DELETE . delete delete[] , , new. , STORM_DELETE_ARRAY, delete[]:

struct CVECTOR
struct SeaVertex
  CVECTOR vNormal;
  float tu, tv;
#define STORM_DELETE (x)
{ delete x; x = 0; }

{ delete[] x; x = 0; }

void SEA::SFLB_CreateBuffers()
    pVSea = new SeaVertex[NUM_VERTEXS];

PVS-Studio: V519 The 'h' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 385, 389. Sharks.cpp 389

inline void Sharks::Shark::IslandCollision(....)
  if (h < 1.0f)
    h -= 100.0f / 150.0f;
    if (h > 0.0f)
      h *= 150.0f / 50.0f;
      h = 0.0f;
    h = 0.0f;
    vx -= x * (1.0f - h);
    vz -= z * (1.0f - h);

h < 1.0f h, 0. – h 0, , h :

inline void Sharks::Shark::IslandCollision(....)
  if (h < 1.0f)
    h -= 100.0f / 150.0f;
    if (h > 0.0f)
      h *= 150.0f / 50.0f;
      h = 0.0f;
    vx -= x * (1.0f - h);
    vz -= z * (1.0f - h);

, realloc malloc

PVS-Studio: V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pTable'. Check lines: 36, 35. s_postevents.h 36

void Add(....)
  pTable = (S_EVENTMSG **)realloc(
                         pTable, nClassesNum * sizeof(S_EVENTMSG *));
  pTable[n] = pClass;

realloc , , NULL. , *pTable[n] * , . , - , pTable , . :

void Add(....)
  S_EVENTMSG ** newpTable 
    = (S_EVENTMSG **)realloc(pTable, 
                             nClassesNum * sizeof(S_EVENTMSG *));
    pTable = newpTable;
    pTable[n] = pClass;
  //  ,  realloc    


PVS-Studio: V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'label'. Check lines: 116, 113. geom_static.cpp 116

GEOM::GEOM(....) : srv(_srv)
  label = static_cast<LABEL *>(srv.malloc(sizeof(LABEL) *
  for (long lb = 0; lb < rhead.nlabels; lb++)
    label[lb].flags = lab[lb].flags;
    label[lb].name = &globname[lab[lb].name];
    label[lb].group_name = &globname[lab[lb].group_name];
    memcpy(&label[lb].m[0][0], &lab[lb].m[0][0], 
    memcpy(&label[lb].bones[0], &lab[lb].bones[0],
    memcpy(&label[lb].weight[0], &lab[lb].weight[0], 


GEOM::GEOM(....) : srv(_srv)
  label = static_cast<LABEL *>(srv.malloc(sizeof(LABEL) *
  for (long lb = 0; lb < rhead.nlabels; lb++)
      label[lb].flags = lab[lb].flags;
      label[lb].name = &globname[lab[lb].name];
      label[lb].group_name = &globname[lab[lb].group_name];
      memcpy(&label[lb].m[0][0], &lab[lb].m[0][0],
      memcpy(&label[lb].bones[0], &lab[lb].bones[0],
      memcpy(&label[lb].weight[0], &lab[lb].weight[0], 

18 .

, , .


PVS-Studio: V1063 The modulo by 1 operation is meaningless. The result will always be zero. WdmSea.cpp 205

void WdmSea::Update(float dltTime)
  long whiteHorses[1];
  wh[i].textureIndex = rand() % (sizeof(whiteHorses) / sizeof(long));

*whiteHorses, * 1, , – 0. , *whiteHorses *– . , , *rand() % (sizeof(whiteHorses) / sizeof(long)) * . , whiteHorses , . , , , .

std::vector vs std::deque

, PVS-Studio .

PVS-Studio: V826 Consider replacing the 'aLightsSort' std::vector with std::deque. Overall efficiency of operations will increase. Lights.cpp 471

void Lights::SetCharacterLights(....)
  std::vector<long> aLightsSort;
  for (i = 0; i < numLights; i++)
  for (i = 0; i < aMovingLight.size(); i++)
    const auto it = std::find(aLightsSort.begin(),aLightsSort.end(), 
    aLightsSort.insert(aLightsSort.begin(), aMovingLight[i].light);

*std::vector aLightsSort, * .

std::vector? , (reallocation) . , . ? std::vector .

std::deque. , , . std::deque , – .

*std::vector * std::deque:

void Lights::SetCharacterLights(....)
  std::deque<long> aLightsSort;
  for (i = 0; i < numLights; i++)
  for (i = 0; i < aMovingLight.size(); i++)
    const auto it = std::find(aLightsSort.begin(),aLightsSort.end(), 

PVS-Studio Storm Engine. , – , , , (code review). ( ) – , , – , . Storm Engine , . – .

, : Yo, Ho, Ho, And a Bottle of Rum - Or How We Analyzed Storm Engine's Bugs.

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