
Above, we considered two basic concepts in electrical engineering - an ideal voltage generator and an ideal current generator.

An ideal voltage generator produces a given voltage U (pressure in the water-pipe analogy) at any load (resistance of an external circuit).

Moreover, in accordance with Ohm's law, I = U / R, even if R tends to zero, and the current increases to infinity.

The internal resistance of an ideal voltage generator is 0.

An ideal current generator produces a given current I (flow in the water-pipe analogy), even if the resistance of the external circuit tends to infinity. In this case, the voltage across the load also tends to infinity U = I * R.

The internal resistance of an ideal current generator is ∞.

Here you can see a certain symmetry, dualism.

We considered a capacitor C which can accumulate a charge (therefore it is called capacitance) C = Q / U. The larger the capacitance, the slower the voltage (pressure) increases when the charge U = Q / C is pumped into the capacitor.

If the charge capacity is very large (tends to infinity), then such a capacitor of infinite capacity will be an ideal voltage generator . It will never be discharged and at the same time it can produce a current of any magnitude, and the voltage across it will remain constant.

The symmetrical (dual) element to the capacitor will be inductance . Inductance is designated by the letter L (see diagram below).

, — L.

Fig 13. Connecting the inductor to the voltage generator.
13. .

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“ , . , , . . , ( ), — ( ). .

, , , , , — .

— , , , « » 0 . . .

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. 13 - .


   fig. 4  14 Graph of current in inductance when DC voltage is applied to it.
. 14 .




, ?

Fig 15. Connecting inductance to the current generator.
15. .

« — ».

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, , . ? , , . , () () .

— () . . , . . )

, , . 16

Fig 16. Parallel connection of the capacitor and the inductor.
16. .

U. S2 . , - ( S2).

0, . , 0. ( ). , () - . 0. . « !» , . , - . , . U !

, .

.. , , . , . , .

. - () .

. .



, .


- . .


U=const ( U – ), .

? , — ( ) ( ).


Fig. 17. Connecting the inductor to the voltage generator, taking into account the internal resistance.
17. .

.17 R . ( , R, )

. S4 . , , 0! . U . - Ur=I*R. I*R, I 0, 0, U. . 0 ( 19 « » « 0 45 »). . , . . I*R U , 0 ( ).


Fig.  18 Exponential graph of current rise in inductance.
. 18 .
is 19 "The exponent passes through 0 at an angle of 45 degrees"
19 « 0 45 »

. . .

« . , . . . , 0 , , , .»

.. , , . , — .. , I=U/R.

, . , . ( ), , , . 1:

VL = – L*(di/dt), (1)


VL – ( ), ;

L – ;

di/dt – .

, . , « » , " ." , , 0. , .

« » « » . , , — , . , , . . , , . , . , . — . (), . , .

Fig. 20 Transient process in a circuit with inductance
Fig. 20 Transient process in a circuit with inductance

The picture is wrong. In the correct version, when the source was disconnected, a resistor was connected and the circuit remained closed.

Consider the following chain

Fig. 21 Circuit with inductor and switch
Fig. 21 Circuit with inductor and switch

Backfill question: What will be the voltage across the inductance at the first moment after switching the key S from the upper position to the lower one?

Hint: You don't have to put your brain out trying to figure out what sign the EMF of self-induction will have and what will happen to it next. It is necessary to apply a simple rule: The current in the inductor at the first moment of time after switching remains unchanged. Further apply Ohm's law.

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