Western Digital erased data from most user NAS

Firstly: if you have any NAS from WD, it is best to unplug it immediately. An update that scatters the NAS and deletes all data began to arrive yesterday, it flew in to me this morning. Home NAS from WD have been on sale for the last 10 years.

Exactly zaffekchina entire live series. Judging by the comments, some other episodes also suffered.

* WD claims that this is all a hacker attack. But it looks dubious. Many people have a NAS behind a firewall, disconnected from external WD servers, etc.

It amazes me that:

  1. After the first messages appeared, WD did not stop rolling out updates. An update arrived an hour ago.

  2. It's been 24 hours - there is no official response . Ah yes, the response was , but not in a prominent place.

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1, 2, 3.

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"Western Digital has determined that some My Book Live devices are being compromised by malicious software. In some cases, this compromise has led to a factory reset that appears to erase all data on the device. The My Book Live device received its final firmware update in 2015. We understand that our customers’ data is very important. At this time, we recommend you disconnect your My Book Live from the Internet to protect your data on the device. We are actively investigating and we will provide updates to this thread when they are available." - Western Digital

"Western Digital has determined that some My Book Live devices have been compromised by malware. In some cases, this compromise has resulted in a factory reset that appears to erase all data on the device. The My Book Live device received the latest firmware update in 2015. We understand that our customer data is very important. We currently recommend that you disconnect My Book Live from the Internet to protect your data on your device. We are actively researching and will update this thread when available. "- Western Digital

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