Lightweight, flexible, performance wrapper over the Web Animations API - @ okikio / animate

2020 PJAX,   Rezo Zero — Starting Blocks, ,  barbajs. , Starting Blocks , . , ,  PJAX, .

, , — , , / . Fullstack- Python @okikio/animate . , .


Web Animations API (WAAPI) JavaScript. API CSS, . API , , window.requestAnimationFrame().

, PJAX, MoOx/pjax; , PJAX , Fetch API DOM.

Web Animations API CSS JavaScript, . DOM, CSS .

CSS JavaScript : . Web Animations API ( — WAAPI) , . , !

Web Animations API — WAAPI. Web Animations API , «Web Animations API», , , «WAAPI»; , , .

WAAPI Web Audio API, , , . — . .


@okikio/animate — . animateplus animejs; Web Animations API , (~ 5,79 ) gzip.

, , . , « », GitHub okikio/native, — , .

PJAX — okikio/native. WAAPI , , , , okikio/animate — , .

: 2020 , , use-web-animations wellyshen. react , animate.css, use-web-animations .) , , - , 80% .

, okikio/native okikio/native. , , okikio/native okikio/animate — .


WAAPI . , API, okikio/animate, WAAPI , ( ) API -. , README .

@okikio/animate Animate ( API -).

import { Animate } from"@okikio/animate";

new Animate({
    target: [/* ... */],
    duration: 2000,
    // ... 

Animate , Animation WAAPI ( — Animation, : ), Animate , , .

, WAAPI . Animate.prototype.mainAnimation, Animation WeakMap, — KeyframeEffect. :


, , okikio/animate. , WAAPI, MDN , okikio/animate, okikio/native GitHub.


Animate , animate, Animate .

import animate from "@okikio/animate";
// or
import { animate } from "@okikio/animate";

    target: [/* ... */],
    duration: 2000,
    // ... 

okikio/animate :

import animate from "@okikio/animate";

// Do this if you installed it via the script tag: const { animate } = window.animate;

(async () => {
    let [options] = await animate({
    target: ".div",

    // Units are added automatically for transform CSS properties
    translateX: [0, 300],
    duration: 2000, // In milliseconds
    speed: 2,

    console.log("The Animation is done...");


Motion Path:

, :

, :

animate.ts animate.pug GitHub. , , Pug, . README.

Gitpod, , , «Open in Gitpod», . Codepen . animejs okikio/animate .

, , , @okikio/animate target, targets. Set. @okikio/animate , , animejs. (: , «Animation Options & CSS Properties as Methods» README.)

okikio/animate , , , Web Animations API — , , okikio/animate . , , , , (Issue), - [ README, Github Discussions] GitHub.

, . :

  1. . , .

  2. , , async/await. , timelineOffset , - - -, , animejs.

  3. okikio/animate .

  4. , , , . . WAAPI, , .

@okikio/animate , . . , . , , , . Spring WAAPI - .

, @okikio/animate , translateX, translate, scale, skew . . @okikio/animate@2.2.0 , CSS. , GitHub.


    targets: [".div", document.querySelectorAll(".el")],

    // By default "px", will be applied
    translateX: 300,
    left: 500,
    margin: "56 70 8em 70%",

    // "deg" will be applied to rotate instead of px
    rotate: 120, 

    // No units will be auto applied
    color: "rgb(25, 25, 25)",
    "text-shadow": "25px 5px 15px rgb(25, 25, 25)"

, ScrollTimeline, . , - , , ScrollTimeline Chrome Canary 92 , . okikio/animate, . :

Bramus ! , Canary- Chrome Experimental Web Platform Chrome Flags. Firefox . , ScrollTimeline, . Google Developers Animation Worklets.

. ~5,79 , , . bundlephobia, , , ,, , . @okikio/animate, , , bundlephobia.

. web-animations-next.min.js web-animations-js. KeyframeEffect.

JavaScript, , KeyframeEffect, , , . async/defer , , . Map, Set Promise.

        <!-- Async -->
        <script src=",es2015,es2018,Array.prototype.includes,Map,Set,Promise" async></script>

        <!-- NO Async/Defer -->
        <script src="./js/webanimation-polyfill.min.js"></script>
        <!-- Content -->

ES6+, esbuild , . ES5 esbuild ( minify), Typescript terser; ES5, , babel. , Gulpfile .

@okikio/animate — Web Animations API (WAAPI), , , animejs , .

, . -, , Fullstack- Python, , DevOps.

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