How to publish guest articles in popular foreign IT blogs for free and attract foreign clients?

According to Growth Badger , there are over 600 million blogs on the internet, with over 2.5 billion guest posts annually. How can IT companies join the guest posting cult for free, and why will it help enter the Western market?

Every marketer and salesperson knows: the business goes where the client lives, and does not wait for a potential customer to find him himself. Despite this, most IT companies that want to receive orders from large foreign clients with a check of $ 300K +, for some reason, think that the client will actively scour only catalogs and sites with corporate blogs in search of the perfect agency or product solution. 

A high-quality corporate blog can bring additional traffic to your site, but you shouldn't be limited to it. Writing expert content for external resources or guest posting is a mandatory component of a content strategy if a company aims to attract foreign customers. 

Why Guest Posting?

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The maximum task is, of course, to bring new visitors to your site and eventually turn them into customers. A huge plus of this strategy is that the people who are really interested in your expertise will go from guest articles to the site, which means they are potentially ready to work with you.

There are stories about how your creative took off to the top of Google or, on the contrary, you were misunderstood and bombarded with dislikes? I would be glad to hear in the comments.

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