Translation of the Course on Startups and Business from Stanford University. Lecture number 4. Product creation, communication with customers ...

In this short article, I want to briefly describe the content of Lecture # 4 - Product Creation, Customer Communication, and Startup Growth from Stanford University's Startup and Business Course.

So, from Lecture # 4 - Creating a Product, Communicating with Customers and Growing a Startup, you will learn the following:

00:10 - How to go from 0 to a large number of clients?

01:30 – – .

01:45 – ?

02:35 – ?

03:35 – ?

05:30 – ?

06:45 – HOMEJOY?

08:20 – .

09:00 – ?

10:00 – ?

10:30 – , ?

11:45 – MVP ?

12:40 – ?

13:20 – ?

14:00 – ?

15:30 – ?

17:45 – ?

19:00 – ?

20:00 – ?

21:20 – ?

23:55 – ?

25:15 – ?

26:30 – , .

27:00 – ?

28:20 – ?

29:30 – ? 

32:50 –

33:45 – ?

34:20 – CLV LTV?

35:05 – ?

38:55 – .

39:35 – ?

40:40 – ?

41:05 – ?

41:35 – ?

46:00 - What's the safe period without payback?

46:30 - What is the art of pivoting or idea reversal?

50:00 - How to convince other customers to switch to your product?

I hope you enjoy this material and start thinking about starting your own business.

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