Introducing ArangoDB

ArangoDB is a multi-model database with the ability to store data as graphs, documents, and key-value.

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ArangoDB stores objects in json documents with support for key reversal, for which a special _key field is  responsible .

There are two types of collections:

  • Standard. Json document store, special fields _key, _rev, _id key can be set yourself. The last two are created automatically.

    • _key is the key of the object in the collection. IMPORTANT: case sensitive

    • _rev - used for internal algorithms

    • _id - used to communicate with other collections. It has the format {collection name} / _ key

  • Edge. Special collections that store the objects of communication between the objects of standard collections. I have two additional fields _ to, _from , which store the _id of objects, which the edge object connects





. , _key .

INSERT {key: value} INTO collection [RETURN NEW]



RETURN DOCUMENT(_id) –    _id 
RETURN DOCUMENT(collection_name, [_key, ...]) –       

UPDATE {_key: "value"} WITH {newVal: 1234} IN collection

REMOVE {_key: "value"} IN collection


: FOR variableName IN expression

Update :

FOR doc in ["key1", "key2"]:
  UPDATE doc WITH {newVal: 1234} IN collection

. _key, _id, _to _from .

7 :

  • Primary – _key _id

  • Edge – _from _to

  • Hash –

  • Skiplist

  • Persistent

  • Geo

  • Fulltext


: FILTER condition


, :

FOR flight IN flights 
  FILTER flight.type == "VIP" 
  RETURN flight


, .

FOR airport IN airports
  FILTER == "Dallas"
    FOR flight in flights 
      FILTER flight._to == airport._id
      RETURN {"airport":, "flight": flight.FlightNum}


COLLECT variableName = expression options

, :

FOR airport IN airports COLLECT state = airport.state RETURN state

FOR airport IN airports
  COLLECT state = airport.state WITH COUNT INTO total
  SORT total DESC
    RETURN {"state": state, "total":total}

(edge collections). _id, .

edge _to _from, _id , . json, , .


FOR vertex, edge, path IN 1..1 OUTBOUND _id GRAPH edge_collection RETURN path
FOR vertex, edge, path IN 1..1 OUTBOUND _id edge_collection RETURN path –  ,     GRAPH.    edge 

vertex – ,

edge –

path – :

IN , min..max


_id id .

GRAPH edge ,

, - :

FOR airport in airports
  FILTER == "San Francisco"
    FOR v, e, p IN 1..1 OUTBOUND airport flights
    FILTER v._id == "airports/KOA"
    RETURN p

- :

FOR airport in airports
  FILTER == "San Francisco"
    FOR v, e, p IN 2..3 OUTBOUND airport flights
    FILTER v._id == "airports/KOA"
    RETURN p

, .

ArangoSearch, .

, ,

ArangoSearch : .

– analyzers, views links

Analyzers , . . .

Views  , /

Links  views . .

Integration engine  - data provision layer.

Search  is a preprocessor, works on views, can only see indexed fields, that is, those that we described in links.

Rank  allows you to get the weight of the results, according to the search request. We can also set our own weights for the search parts.

An example of finding the word "ninja" in a movie description:

FOR doc in view
  SEARCH ANALYZER(d.description == "ninja", "text_en")
  RETURN doc

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