Apache Ignite 3: DIY distributed database, next level

β€œIn theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. And in practice there is "

Yogi Berra

β€” , Hydra. Apache Ignite ( GridGain) : in-memory computing, .

GridGain Apache Ignite 3 GridGain 9. Hydra, : ? C , ? β€” .


, , , , , , . , . , , -, , . Apache Ignite GridGain.

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Apache Ignite 3 GridGain 9 , , , , . , : in-memory .

Paxos, Raft, , PacificA Hermes. GridGain , . Raft, ( , ), , .

- Apache Ignite 3 open source JRaft. , , . Java , , , etcd, Raft. 


β€” , . 

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Apache Ignite , SQL . Apache Ignite 3 SQL, , , . 

β€” SQL-, map/reduce, , . , H2 SQL, . Apache Ignite 3 . H2 Apache Calcite. , .

User Experience

, , SQL β€” , . , , . Apache Ignite 3 . 

, HOCON, Spring XML. runtime .

, CLI-, .

CLI- , Apache Ignite , , , .

API, Apache Ignite, . , , . 


, , . , :

-, 26 GridGain -, : , . , β€” Unsafe Java, concurrency-, B-. , , !

-, GridGain, . , β€” .

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