Dart 2.12 book

Good afternoon everyone!

So we got our hands on the first post on Habré after quite a long time. According to the saying - a man should build a house, raise a son and plant a tree, but what should a teacher do? God knows! But I am more than sure that there will be a fad about writing a book. And if this book is also freely available ...

About a couple of months ago I finished a book on Dart 2.12. Having experience with publishing houses, I thought for a long time: "And then what? Amuse your vanity for 15% of the selling price? Yes, it's a penny!" and decided to put the book in the public domain. It has already taught a number of students who have now switched to Flutter.

I hope that this book will help everyone who wants to learn this programming language faster. There are 10 sections in total:

  1. A brief history and built-in data types

  2. Syntax, Operators, and Control Constructs

  3. Functions

  4. Libraries and packages

  5. Object Oriented Programming in Dart

  6. Exceptions

  7. Working with files

  8. Asynchronous programming and Isolate

  9. Network programming

  10. Testing

Despite the fact that Dart 2.13 introduced several innovations and announced a complete transition of projects to Null-safety (now you don't need to edit configs), I decided not to reflect this yet (the problem of writing literature on a rapidly developing language> _ <). I will wait for a number of innovations and after that I will bring the book to a more current state.

"Where's the link, Lebowski?" So there she is ! Happy reading!

UPD: link to the book in epub format

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