Create installation packages for macOS using the system

Disclaimer: The methods listed here work well on macOS Mojave, Catalina, and Big Sur, but for combat systems it is recommended to always run your own tests of the compiled packages.

- , macOS, - (.. 500-600 2 , , ). , , macOS Windows, .

, ( - , ). "" – , macOS.

PKG – , Installer, , (, : installer -pkg $pkgfile -target /Applications

). , , .

, DMG-, - ( .app) /Applications. , :

  1. dmg-;

  2. ( , – /Applications);

  3. :

    productbuild --component /path/to/ /Applications/ /path/to/YourApplication.pkg

    ( , , , /Applications, , )

, , . , DMG- , hdiutil , .

- , , , shell-, , , , ( , , , ). .. payload-free ( payload) – postinstall – shell-, .

scripts( , , , ), , (, , .ppd).

, , , scripts pico postinstall

. (, , nano), , , /:

sudo /usr/sbin/systemsetup -setusingnetworktime on
sudo /usr/sbin/systemsetup -setnetworktimeserver "$ntp"
exit 0

Ctrl+X ( Y , ), . , sudo chmod a+x postinstall

( ).


sudo pkgbuild --identifier --nopayload --scripts /path/to/scripts/ "/path/to/your_package.pkg"

( -, , ).

, , , , .

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