Manager mode "Dispatcher"

What if during the working day no one came up to you (the manager), did not write or call? How many jobs would you manage to do? Would there be a need for recycling?

A leader is a profession that involves working with other people. And not just communication at a joint desire, but also when, either you yourself, on your own initiative, without the desire of the employee, start a dialogue, or the employees start communication with you, without your desire. Accordingly, the working day of a manager with a staff of more than 2 people is not possible without communication with them.

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I'm talking more about adjusting the flow of information. Instead of contacting the manager at any time, you can discuss with employees what urgent issues are, and what everyone else is, and ask everyone else to contact such and such a channel at such and such a time. Instead of deciding the issues of issuing access, the operation of the coffee machine, the availability of equipment, the manager can either select those responsible for this, or write instructions ...

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