Very strange things with Java Characters

The mystery of the comment error and other stories ...


Do you know the following is a valid Java expression?

\u0069\u006E\u0074 \u0069 \u003D \u0038\u003B

You can try copy and paste it into the main method of any class and compile. If you then add the following statement


and after compilation run this class, the code will print the number 8!

Did you know that this comment throws a syntax error at compile time instead?

 * The file will be generated inside the C:\users\claudio folder

However, comments should not lead to syntax errors. In fact, programmers often comment out snippets of code to be ignored by the compiler ... so what's going on?

, , Java  char




Java.  .  ,  char


char aCharacter = 'a';

, .  , , .  :

String s = "Java melius semper quam latinam linguam est";


, :

  • '&'


  • Unicode (, '\u0061'

    ,  97   'a'


  • escape- (, '\n'



, , char

, ,     (,  «Canc»  «Enter»  ). 

«Esc» — vesper-bot.

,  char

,    .  :

char aUppercase = 'A';
char minus = '-';
char at = '@';


2 (16 ), 0 65 535. , «», .  ( )   Unicode ( ).

Unicode ( )

,   char

16 ​​ 65 536 .  Unicode  ( , , . .), . Unicode - ,  UTF-8, , , 8-   ASCII, , , , ASCII code (  American Standard Code for Information Interchange).

Unicode char

, 4 , ,  \u

( ). :

char phiCharacter = '\u03A6';  // Capital Greek letter Φ
char nonIdentifiedUnicodeCharacter = '\uABC8';

  Unicode (  ). , 4 65 536 .

Java 15 Unicode 13.0, , 65 536 .  Unicode , 143 859 .     .   , Unicode, 16- char

,   String


, , .



  escape-, , :

  • \b

     backspace, (  Delete).

  • \n

      (  Ente).

  • \\

     \ ( , \ escape-).

  • \t

    (  TAB).

  • \'

      ( ).

  • \"

      ( ).

  • \r

       ( , ).

  • \f

       ( , , ).

,  '"'

  , :



char doubleQuotes = '"';



escape- , , :


, :

error: empty character literal
error: unclosed character literal
2 errors

, . , :




, \"

escape-, . , :



error: ')' expected
error: ';' expected
2 errors





Java Unicode

Unicode . ,  Unicode , . , :

int i = 8;


\u0069\u006E\u0074 \u0069 \u003D \u0038\u003B

, :

System.out.println("i = " + i);


i = 8

, .  , , () .

Unicode escape-

, Unicode , escape-. ,    , escape- \n

.  Unicode  10 (  A). , Unicode:

char lineFeed = '\u000A';


error: illegal line end in character literal
        char lineFeed = '\u000A'; 
1 error

, :

char lineFeed = '

Unicode    , Java.

, '

,   39 (  27) escape- \', Unicode:

char singleQuote = '\u0027';


char singleQuote = ''';


error: empty character literal

        char singleQuote = '\u0027';

error: unclosed character literal

        char singleQuote = '\u0027';
2 errors

, , , .

, D ( 13) escape- \r

. , :

char carriageReturn = '\u000d';


error: illegal line end in character literal

char carriageReturn = '\u000d';
1 error

, Unicode   , , , , .


,  92 (  5C) escape- \

, :

char backSlash = '\u005C';


error: unclosed character literal
        char backSlash = '\u005C'
1 error

, :

char backSlash = '\';


escape-, , .

,  "

,  22 (  34) escape- "

, :

char quotationMark = '\u0022';

.  :

String quotationMarkString = "\u0022";


error: unclosed string literal

   String quotationMarkString = "\u0022";

1 error  


String quotationMarkString = """;

Unicode,      . , , , !

// char lineFeed = '\u000A';  
// char carriageReturn = '\u000d'; 

,       , ;  ! 

, , :

/* char lineFeed = '\u000A';  
   char carriageReturn = '\u000d'; */

, - , -    \u

. , :

 * The file will be generated inside the C:\users\claudio folder

4  \u

, :

error: illegal unicode escape

* The file will be generated inside the C:\users\claudio folder
1 error

,   char

Java .  , , Java, Unicode.  , Unicode , .  , , , .

: 3.3.5 « » 1 «Java »  ( 3.3.5 «»).

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