Everything will work out if MAMAVTEME: from idea to MVP of educational marketplace

Hello, Habr! 

Those of you who have children of preschool, primary school and just school age will understand me. I turned out to be completely unprepared to work effectively at home with an active seven-year-old, who is quarantined in the garden and in the preschool. It was just hell, so the organization of distance education and leisure activities for the daughter became the primary task to preserve the remnants of the mother's mind and peace in the house. In fact, it was necessary to captivate the child so that he could give me work, do household chores and just exhale for an hour . Many services offered projects of varying degrees of readiness - from frankly "raw" to decently working ones, but either their schedule is fixed (inconvenient), the connection is problematic (infuriates), or the content is weak (the child is bored). 

At that time, my team and I already had developments in the field of children's leisure, independent of the pandemic, but exclusively in-person. Information services for children's activities provided rather scattered and not always relevant information, I wanted to improve them. So the first draft was about offline. The idea to make something of our own online lay on the surface, we expanded the study of the potential market, and by March 2020, the updated project was already looming in the first approximation. There were already high-quality offers on the market, whose experience we tried to adopt, but they did not offer all my requests in one set, but let's talk about everything in order.

Now the advantages of online in the educational environment have become obvious to many, as well as the obvious technical and organizational disadvantages of such a system have become apparent. We created our startup MAMAVTEME with the aim of giving parents and teachers a really convenient, high-quality service for the selection and payment of children's leisure and educational online classes outside of school. As it often happens, light motives are extremely difficult in material and technical execution, as Alexander H., better known in narrow IT circles as Satera, and in the future a partner, informed me about this at the very first meeting. He did not refuse the updated project. One way or another, in this article we will tell you about what, how and why we have succeeded at the moment and will try to periodically cover our story here.

Where to start - problem statement

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