Telepresence robots Ohmni, Double, Temi

Telepresence robots are actively integrating into the life of society, and the pandemic has significantly accelerated this process. Such robots have already begun to appear in countries with a developed IT infrastructure in residential premises, offices, medical institutions, museums, shops and other points of interest for a virtual visitor, observer and remotely working specialist.

At Dragon Tree Labs, we actively monitor and practice innovations in the world of robotics. We present an overview of three telepresence robots that already live in our robotic lab and help the team communicate remotely with developers from other cities. Also recently, a four-legged robot Unitree Robotics A1 and Miko 2 registered in our office, but read about them in the next article.

Ohmni telepresence robot

Ohmni is the flagship product of the company OhmniLabs Silicon Valley in the US. The Ohmni project was first presented on the Indiegogo platform in 2017.

Today, the robot is offered for use in corporate purposes, in education, as well as for the care of the elderly and sick people. You just need to unpack it, turn on the power and provide an Internet connection via a Wi-Fi network.

. Ohmni​ -. .

Ohmni​ , , .  13- 4K , . Ohmni​ 10,1 .

- . . 142 .

Ohmni​ 110/220 . 95 × 5 . , , , . , “Autodock” 

Ohmni​ Developer Edition 200 Android 6.0 Intel X5. OhmniAPI Ohmni​ , -.   /.

Ohmni​ 2021 $2699. - Ohmni​ , .

DT Labs , -.

Double 2

Double 2 – Double Robotics .  -, , , , .

. , , , , . . 

5- 150 , 70% . , Adaptive HD , , . 5- , . iPad, 9.7".

Chrome, Firefox Safari , IOS Android. (2,4 5 ) Wi-Fi. Bluetooth 4.2 LE. USB 3.1.


-  Temi , , . . , .

Temi , . . . Amazon Alexa, Temi .

, . 10- Quad HD YouTube , .

Temi . . . . , .

Temi , Philips Hue. ,   . Temi .

(Lidar) , . , . . Harman Kardon, .

Temi . , . . .

, , . Temi . 8 ,   - ​​ .

Temi iOS Android, . Temi, .

Wi-Fi 4G LTE. Bluetooth 4.0 .

4500 Temi , .

Dragon Tree Labs -, , VR-. . Oculus Touch. .  DT Labs

, - , , , . , , , , , , . , , .  .

If you want to try on such technologies for yourself now, come to our office for a virtual tour, where you can test the work of robots remotely, for this write to 

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