Sadness: Will there be no more Habr?

Down with illiteracy
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I read something interesting on Habré, and suddenly a message popped up:

“Hello. We are updating Habr. You are one of the first users who can take advantage of the new version. If you do not want to switch to the new version yet, you can use the button in the footer of the site, however, soon, support for the old version will be discontinued. If you encounter difficulties in the process of using the new version, please contact the support service. " The navigation became bad at once. Why should I scroll to the footer and return? And this is not a button, but a hyperlink that still needs to be seen. Well disguised. (The "OK" button is in the top under the message about the version change). Why should I be forced to participate in beta testing of designers' fantasies?

Of course, there is no claim to coders and designers - they do what the management orders. And it (the management) does not read our comments to its articles (marketers in the picture at the top of this note - "down with illiteracy").

I assumed there :

I guess MS set a very bad example with their constant updates. And all the coders are now saying: why are we worse than Microsoft - come on, and we will be updated every day ...
Before that I wrote:
so far I saw an unusual and inconvenient interface of the new version. I can't understand the logistics: people worked for a long time (they say it themselves), and they got something decent. But they decide to break everything and make a new one that will work worse for a long time. What for? The only explanation IMHO is a demonstration of violent activity .

Of course, the leadership of Habr, after reading this note, will not run into retirement, so I give an idea: to make a new old Habr. Invite me when you do.

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