Best frameworks for microservices

Choose the right framework for microservices architecture

Microservices architecture is a methodology that allows you to split a monolithic single application into small applications and services that perform lightweight tasks. Business capabilities and independently deployable models are the primary goals of microservices development. Microservices architecture is built using different programming languages, they can be deployed and interconnected.

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  • API .

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  • โ€” , , () . , .

  • โ€” , Apache, Google Spring. / .

  • โ€” . IDE (Integrated Development Environment) , , .

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. Java, Python, C++, Node JS .Net โ€” . , . 

, , 2021 .

(Microservices Frameworks)

1. Java


  • Spring Boot โ€” Spring Boot โ€” Java. , . Spring boot .

  • Dropwizard โ€” Dropwizard , Restful -. , , .

  • Restlet โ€” Restlet RST, Java- . Apache Software License.

  • Helidon โ€” Java . , , , -, .

  • AxonIQ โ€” - , Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), Domain-Driven Design (DDD) . 

  • Micronaut โ€” full-stack JVM , . , , , , HTTP HTTP. Micronaut Spring, Spring Boot, , , -.

  • Lagom โ€” Java Scala. Lagom Akka Play.

2. GoLang 


  • GoMicro โ€” RPC Go. API-, CLI, , -.

3. Python


  • Flask โ€” Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) - Python. Flask-RESTPlus - Flask, REST API.

  • Falcon โ€” - API Python. (ASGI), WSGI.

  • Bottle โ€” , WSGI - Python. , Python.

  • Nameko โ€” Nameko Python RPC AMQP, , HTTP GET POST, WebSocket RPC.

  • CherryPy โ€” CherryPy -, - Python.

4. NodeJS


  • Molecular โ€” - , NodeJS. , , .

5. .NET

ASP.Net, , - API.  , () Docker.

6. MultiLanguage

  • Spark โ€” - Kotlin Java.  - DSL Java/Kotlin, .


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"Microservice Architecture".

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