How WCF Shoots Himself in the Foot with TraceSource

It is not often possible to write something interesting about the problems associated with parallel programming. This time it was "lucky". Due to the implementation of the standard TraceEvent method, an error occurred with blocking of several threads. I would like to warn about the existing nuance and tell about an interesting case from the support of our users. What does support have to do with it? You will learn this from the article. Enjoy reading.


PVS-Studio CLMonitor.exe, . "" PVS-Studio C C++ . , PVS-Studio. : gcc, clang, cl, ..

Windows , 3 :

  1. 'CLMonitor.exe monitor';

  2. ;

  3. 'CLMonitor.exe analyze'.

'', , . – , . , . . 'CLMonitor.exe analyze' '', : ", , ". , – . , , .

, - . , , , . timeout'. – . . ... . , , .

. Windows CLMonitor.exe. Windows.


, . , .

, , , . , . .

, , , . . , C++ — PVS-Studio_Cmd. , , – Visual Studio. , , , – . , :

  • ;

  • ;

  • .

PVS-Studio_Cmd (*.vcxproj). "" MSBuild Visual Studio. NMake , . , NMake .vcxproj. . . , Unreal Engine *Unreal Build Tool *– , " ". .

, PVS-Studio , , CLMonitor.exe. . . , .

WCF (Windows Communication Foundation). , .

*ServiceHost * , . :

static ErrorLevels PerformMonitoring(....) 
  using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(
                       new Uri[]{new Uri(PipeCredentials.PipeRoot)})) 


: *CLMonitoringContract * ICLMonitoringContract.

*ICLMonitoringContract *– . *CLMonitoringContract *– . :

[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required, 
                 CallbackContract = typeof(ICLMonitoringContractCallback))]
interface ICLMonitoringContract
  void StopMonitoring(string dumpPath = null);

[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
class CLMonitoringContract : ICLMonitoringContract
  public void StopMonitoring(string dumpPath = null)


, . . :

public void FinishMonitor()
  CLMonitoringContractCallback allback = new CLMonitoringContractCallback();
  var pipeFactory = new DuplexChannelFactory<ICLMonitoringContract>(
           new EndpointAddress(....));

  ICLMonitoringContract pipeProxy = pipeFactory.CreateChannel();
  ((IContextChannel)pipeProxy).OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);
  ((IContextChannel)pipeProxy).Faulted += CLMonitoringServer_Faulted;



StopMonitoring, . .

, , , CLMonitor.exe.

. , . , – , . 10 :

** . ** 10 ? , , - 24 , , . , . .

( ) 5 , , .

. , . , :) .


, , :

. , :

public void FinishMonitor()
  ICLMonitoringContract pipeProxy = pipeFactory.CreateChannel();
  ((IContextChannel)pipeProxy).OperationTimeout = new TimeSpan(24, 0, 0);
  ((IContextChannel)pipeProxy).Faulted += CLMonitoringServer_Faulted;

  pipeProxy.StopMonitoring(dumpPath);            // <=


, , . , . , 5 . , , .



-, TraceEvent'? , , 50. . , . , , , - .. , , . , , , , .

, , , , ''. , . . ? , , . , - - . ReferenceSource TraceEvent.

TraceEvent lock:

, - TraceEvent, TraceInternal.critSec. , . , . , DiagnosticsConfiguration.Initialize:

NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServer, -:

- WCF. , . , DiagnosticsConfiguration.Initialize . ... - :

, , . , critSec, :

, , .

. TraceEvent GitHub. , Microsoft:

"Also one of the locks, TraceInternal.critSec, is only present if the TraceListener asks for it. Generally speaking such 'global' locks are not a good idea for a high performance logging system (indeed we don't recommend TraceSource for high performance logging at all, it is really there only for compatibility reasons)".

, Microsoft , IPC , , , ...

, :

  1. WCF.

  2. . 10 -.

  3. TraceEvent - Initialize.

  4. , .

  5. , TraceEvent, - lock . lock.

  6. Initialize lock.

, . , Initialize. - , TraceEvent, . TraceEvent' , '' . , , TraceEvent. !

, * * . - , . , , WCF – , - .


. , , , - . CrazyLogging, :

private void CrazyLogging()
  for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++)
    var j = i;
    new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
      while (!Program.isStopMonitor)
        Logger.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, j.ToString());


Trace, . , :

public void Trace()


. ( Visual Studio 2019), 5 :

! (TestTraceSource.exe analyze), .

, , . Visual Studio . – , DiagnosticsConfiguration.Initialize. .

? , TraceSource – , , . , , . Event' TraceSource.TraceEvent.

"" . , Console.WriteLine. , - , , . - . enableLogger.


, .

, .exe trace. , analyze.

**: ** CrazyLogging . , . Visual Studio .


using System.Linq;

namespace TestTraceSource
  class Program
    public static bool isStopMonitor = false;

    static void Main(string[] args)
      if (!args.Any())

      if (args[0] == "trace")
        Server server = new Server();
      if (args[0] == "analyze")
        Client client = new Client();



using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.ServiceModel;
using System.Threading;

namespace TestTraceSource
  class Server
    private static TraceSource Logger;

    public void Trace()
      using (ServiceHost host = new ServiceHost(
                          new Uri[]{new Uri(PipeCredentials.PipeRoot)}))
                                new NetNamedPipeBinding(), 

        while (!Program.isStopMonitor)
          // We catch all processes, process them, and so on



    private void ListenersInitialization()
      Logger = new TraceSource("PVS-Studio CLMonitoring");
      Logger.Switch.Level = SourceLevels.Verbose;
      Logger.Listeners.Add(new ConsoleTraceListener());

      String EventSourceName = "PVS-Studio CL Monitoring";

      EventLog log = new EventLog();
      log.Source = EventSourceName;
      Logger.Listeners.Add(new EventLogTraceListener(log));

    private void CrazyLogging()
      for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++)
        var j = i;
        new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
          var start = DateTime.Now;
          while (!Program.isStopMonitor)
            Logger.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, j.ToString());



using System;
using System.ServiceModel;

namespace TestTraceSource
  class Client
    public void FinishMonitor()
      TestTraceContractCallback allback = new TestTraceContractCallback();
      var pipeFactory = new DuplexChannelFactory<IContract>(
                                new NetNamedPipeBinding(),
                                new EndpointAddress(PipeCredentials.PipeRoot 
                                                  + PipeCredentials.PipeName));
      IContract pipeProxy = pipeFactory.CreateChannel();




using System;
using System.ServiceModel;

namespace TestTraceSource
  class PipeCredentials
    public const String PipeName = "PipeCLMonitoring";
    public const String PipeRoot = "net.pipe://localhost/";
    public const long MaxMessageSize = 500 * 1024 * 1024; //bytes

  class TestTraceContractCallback : IContractCallback
    public void JobComplete()
      Console.WriteLine("Job Completed.");

  [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required, 
                   CallbackContract = typeof(IContractCallback))]
  interface IContract
    void StopServer();

  interface IContractCallback
    [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
    void JobComplete();

  [ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.Single)]
  class TestTraceContract : IContract
    public void StopServer()
      Program.isStopMonitor = true;


TraceSource.TraceEvent. , . . , TraceSource. - , .

. Twitter.

, : Nikolay Mironov. How WCF Shoots Itself in the Foot With TraceSource.

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