22 useful Python code examples

Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​and is extremely useful for solving everyday problems. In this article, I'll briefly share 22 useful code examples to take advantage of the power of Python.

You may have seen some of the examples before, while others will be new and interesting for you. All of these examples are easy to remember.

1. We get vowels

This example returns the found vowels in a string "a e i o u"

. This can be useful when looking for or finding vowels.

def get_vowels(String):
    return [each for each in String if each in "aeiou"]
get_vowels("animal") # [a, i, a]
get_vowels("sky") # []
get_vowels("football") # [o, o, a]

2. First uppercase letter

This example is used to capitalize every first letter of characters in a string. It works with a string of one or more characters and will be useful when parsing text or writing data to a file, etc.

def capitalize(String):
    return String.title()
capitalize("shop") # [Shop]
capitalize("python programming") # [Python Programming]
capitalize("how are you!") # [How Are You!]

3. Print a line N times

This example can print any line n times without using Python loops.

string="Hello World "
print(string * n)  #Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World Hello World

4. Combining two dictionaries

This example merges two dictionaries into one.

def merge(dic1,dic2):
    return dic3
dic1={1:"hello", 2:"world"}
dic2={3:"Python", 4:"Programming"}
merge(dic1,dic2) # {1: 'hello', 2: 'world', 3: 'Python', 4: 'Programming'}

5. Calculate the execution time

This example is useful when you need to know how long it takes to execute a program or function.

import time
start_time= time.time()
def fun():
end_time= time.time()
timetaken = end_time - start_time
print("Your program takes: ", timetaken) # 0.0345

6. Exchange of values ​​between variables

This is a quick way to swap two variables without using a third.

a, b = b, a
print(a, b) # a= 4, b =3

7. Checking for duplicates

This is the fastest way to check for duplicate values ​​in a list.

def check_duplicate(lst):
    return len(lst) != len(set(lst))
check_duplicate([1,2,3,4,5,4,6]) # True
check_duplicate([1,2,3]) # False
check_duplicate([1,2,3,4,9]) # False

8. Filtering False values

This example is used to eliminate all false values ​​from a list eg false, 0, None, " "


def Filtering(lst):
    return list(filter(None,lst))
Filtering(lst) #[1, 3, 5, 7]

9. Size in bytes

This example returns the length of a string in bytes, which is handy when you need to know the size of a string variable.

def ByteSize(string):
    return len(string.encode("utf8"))
ByteSize("Python") #6
ByteSize("Data") #4

10. Occupied memory

The example allows you to get the amount of memory used by any variable in Python.

import sys
print(sys.getsizeof(var1)) #55
print(sys.getsizeof(var2)) #28
print(sys.getsizeof(var3)) #28

11. Anagrams

This code is useful for checking if a string is an anagram. Anagram is a word obtained by rearranging the letters of another word.

from collections import Counter
def anagrams(str1, str2):
    return Counter(str1) == Counter(str2)
anagrams("abc1", "1bac") # True

12. Sorting the list

This example sorts the list. Sorting is a commonly used task that can be done in many lines of code with a loop, but you can speed up your work with the built-in sort method.

my_list = ["leaf", "cherry", "fish"]
my_list1 = ["D","C","B","A"]
my_list2 = [1,2,3,4,5]

my_list.sort() # ['cherry', 'fish', 'leaf']
my_list1.sort() # ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
print(sorted(my_list2, reverse=True)) # [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

13. Sorting the dictionary

orders = {
 'pizza': 200,
 'burger': 56,
 'pepsi': 25,
    'Coffee': 14
sorted_dic= sorted(orders.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
print(sorted_dic)  # [('Coffee', 14), ('pepsi', 25), ('burger', 56), ('pizza', 200)]

14. Getting the last item in the list

my_list = ["Python", "JavaScript", "C++", "Java", "C#", "Dart"]
#method 1
print(my_list[-1])  # Dart
#method 2
print(my_list.pop()) # Dart

15. Convert comma separated list to string

This code converts a comma separated list into a single string. It is useful when you need to concatenate the entire list with a string.

my_list2=["Java", "Flutter", "Swift"]
#example 1
"My favourite Programming Languages are" , ", ".join(my_list1)) # My favourite Programming Languages are Python, JavaScript, C++
print(", ".join(my_list2))  # Java, Flutter, Swift

16. Checking palindromes

This example shows how to quickly check for palindromes.

def palindrome(data):
    return data == data[::-1]
palindrome("level") #True
palindrome("madaa") #False

17. List Shuffle

from random import shuffle
shuffle(my_list1) # [4, 6, 1, 3, 2, 5]
shuffle(my_list2) # ['A', 'D', 'B', 'C']

18. Convert string to lower and upper case

str1 ="Python Programming"
print(str1.upper()) #PYTHON PROGRAMMING
print(str2.lower()) #im a programmer

19. String formatting

This code allows you to format the string. Formatting in Python means joining data from variables to a string.

#example 1
str1 ="Python Programming"
str2 ="I'm a {}".format(str1)   # I'm a Python Programming
#example 2 - another way
str1 ="Python Programming"
str2 =f"I'm a {str1}"    # I'm a Python Programming

20. Search for a substring

This example will be useful for finding a substring in a string. I am implementing it in two ways to avoid writing a lot of code.

programmers = ["I'm an expert Python Programmer",
               "I'm an expert Javascript Programmer",
               "I'm a professional Python Programmer"
               "I'm a beginner C++ Programmer"
#method 1
for p in programmers:
    if p.find("Python"):
#method 2
for p in programmers:
    if "Python" in p:

21. Print on one line

We know that the print function does the output on each line, and if you use two print functions, they print on two lines. This example will show you how to execute output on the same line without moving to a new one.

# fastest way
import sys
sys.stdout.write("Call of duty ")
sys.stdout.write("and Black Ops")
# output: Call of duty and Black Ops
#another way but only for python 3
print("Python ", end="")
# output: Python Programming

22. Splitting into fragments

This example will show you how to split a list into chunks and split it into smaller parts.

def chunk(my_list, size):
    return [my_list[i:i+size] for i in range(0,len(my_list), size)]
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
chunk(my_list, 2) # [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]


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