Don't make engineers angry

Author: Boris Plavnik

When we talk about the "war of currents", the first thing that comes to mind is the confrontation between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla. But this war had many fronts (most of which were attended by Edison). One of them will be discussed.

Or rather, about a talented and skillful engineer named Hiram. He was born in 1840 in the northeastern United States. Hiram initially invested his considerable engineering talent in steam, which he knew very, very well, but in the 1870s it was already clear that the era of steam-punk was postponed, and general electrification was not far off ...

The hero of the article at the age of 17
The hero of the article at the age of 17

In New York, Hiram is hired by a company that deals with all kinds of electrical equipment. There, he does plus or minus everything in a row, including racking his brains over a topic that haunts the minds - replacing gas burners for personal use with something more decent. After doing some research, Hiram developed his system's light bulb. The main trick was that the coal spiral burned in very rarefied gasoline vapors. The vapors, settling on the spiral, decomposed in the hottest parts of it, absorbing heat, and greatly slowed down the burnout. This case is the hero of our article and went to patent ...

But it's not that simple. At this time, the aforementioned Edison was on the home stretch with his own light bulb, but he was almost in time. Rumor has it that he used his noticeably thicker wallet and already acquired connections so that the patent office stalled with its bureaucracy in relation to a competitor ... The result is known to us: the patent for the light bulb gets Thomas, and Hiram can only shout "Meet me in court!"

A light bulb with a branded spiral in the shape of the letter M - by the name of the creator.
A light bulb with a branded spiral in the shape of the letter M - by the name of the creator.

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Thomas Edison is preparing to patent all of you with giblets.

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Steam plane - quad plane

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