How did I get an internship at Yandex

Hello everyone, my name is Victor and I am a frontend developer. I want to share how I decided to become a programmer and got an internship at Yandex at the age of 27 without higher education.

First, my story is about how I became interested in it sphere and in particular web development.

Getting familiar with the code

For the first time I got acquainted with the program code in the third year of the institute, specializing in applied linguistics. It was a python programming language, and I really liked how I can get the computer to do cool things with loops, conditionals, functions, and variables. The teacher was modern and took a course on the basics of programming from the udacity training platform as the basis of the curriculum. In the process, it was necessary to write a simple web crawler and a small search engine to rank web pages by the number of links to them from other web pages. Due to certain circumstances, I was forced to leave the university after the third year and began to earn a living through translations.

Deeper in technology

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As a result, I chose the market because I am interested in the field of e-commerce. The internship will begin at the end of June. If someone is interested, then I can continue to write about how it goes at the end of each month out of three. It will be a kind of diary for me and an opportunity for people to find out how it goes from the inside, because I have found very few materials on this topic.

Thanks for reading, I hope it was helpful to someone. Ask questions in the comments.

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