Just take the integral

How to learn English words: non-obvious about probable

To the question "How to learn words?" we most often receive in response an indication of where to get them, these words, and which words should be learned. For example, from TV series and cliches of colloquial speech. To the question "How?" they also answer: repeat aloud after the characters of the series, make cards in a quizlet, scribble stickers with words on the wall, attach a suffix - tion, come up with associations for English words. Finally, the teacher's favorite answer is β€œjust take it and learn it.” 

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This approach will also provide flexibility in the choice of techniques. Read your favorite literature and highlight interesting words? Yes, wrap up two. Memorize words thematically, associatively, using stickers on household items? Easily. Create linguistic scenarios of interaction with the world and the individuals inhabiting it? No problem. Try all the techniques you know, throw away the ones that don't work for you, and teach in the way that suits you. 

And how many words per month - 10, 16, 20, 36, 38, 40 or 158 - it doesn't matter at all.

One of the numbers in the previous sentence is Michael Halliday's version of the tenses, "Introduction to Functional Grammar".

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