ADR: How to Get the Right Products on the Shelves of 17,000 Stores Across the Country

At school, we all solved problems like β€œβ€¦ goes from point A to point B”. It was mainly about speed and time - how quickly will the vehicle get there? Reality, however, throws up problems much more interesting: "There is a large-scale retail chain selling goods, which needs a huge number of nomenclature items to reach each of the 17,000 stores located on half the area of ​​the largest country in the world, on time and in the right quantity." ... X5 Group has a number of implemented solutions to solve this problem, and one of the most important is the process of auto-ordering goods. 

The technical support of this direction in the X5 Group is provided by the 2-SAP Logistics team. 

Our team supports solutions that help to continuously provide store shelves with fresh products, and tens of thousands of product items are available for sale to customers throughout Russia. 

ADR is a set of inventory and order management processes

Maintaining the volume of inventories at a predetermined level, which ensures the constant availability of goods with optimal stocks in the system. This is achieved by automatically executing processes:

  • Planning an order.

  • Formation of an order.

  • Sending the order.

  • The business case for the sustained level.

  • Control over the state of stocks.

  • Assortment management.

For this, different forecasting mechanisms are used, depending on the store format and flexible settings in the system.  

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