Line types and where they are stored

Lines surround us everywhere, they have saved people's lives more than once. How? Let us recall at least the letter codes in the Morse code - each letter of the alphabet is a certain sequence of dots and dashes, and if we use these symbols to write a repeating sequence of letters, we get a line. An example is in Fig. one.

Fig.  1. Morse code and line example
Fig. 1. Morse code and line example

Also, when designing, it is impossible to imagine a drawing that does not contain different (by weight, color, shape) lines. Therefore, the topic of using lines and choosing where to store them in the design environment will always be relevant. Let's figure out how it works in nanoCAD.

What is a line? It is a repeating sequence of strokes, dots, and spaces along a straight line or curve. But, if you look at GOST, you will notice that lines are not always just a set of points and strokes - there are also so-called complex line types that contain text or shapes.

nanoCAD : 2.303 , ISO. , , , . , (. 2).

Fig.  2. Our goal
. 2.

, .

, nanoCAD, SHX C:\ProgramData\Nanosoft\nanoCAD x64 21.0\SHX *.lin. . , (, , ). lin- . :

  • GOST 2.303-68.lin ( , . GOST 2.303-68.shx);

  • ncad.lin ( , ISO. ltypeshp.shx).

nanoCAD : , , , (. 3).

Fig.  3. Ways to use lines in nanoCAD
. 3. nanoCAD

, , , , ( ) – . 4.

Fig.  4. View the current linetype
. 4.

, dwg-. , ( ), *.dwt, dwg-. , , – , , , , .

(. 5-6):

  • , ;

Fig.  5. Method 1: properties panel
. 5. 1:
  • .

! , SHX , , . , , .

. . , , , .

Fig.  6. Method 2: dialog box
. 6. 2:


·       – . .

·       – . , – lin- .

·       – .

« », « », «» . .

( ) :

  • – .

  • – . . , . .

  • – . .

nanoCAD :

  1. ;

  2. .

, . «» , «» .

, .

«» (. 7).

Fig.  7. Composition of the line "Newt"
. 7. «»

«» (. 8).

Fig.  8. Composition of the line "Nyuhl"
. 8. «»
  • – .

  • – ( ).

  • – .

, , /, . «Fantastic Lines» ( – «Fantastic Beasts») Harry Potter, SEGMENT «, , ». «» romanc.shx – «NIFFLER».



, , – . , , , , . , (. «, , »), . – , « » (. 9).

Fig.  9. Form "Magic wand"
. 9. « »

, , . .

*1, 42,WAND
00A, (3, 042),               ;  3
004, 16,                     ;     16
080,                         ;  128   
003, 16,                     ;     16
00A, (1, 064),               ;  1
008, (-128, 4),              ;  
00A, (3, 022),               ;  3
00A, (3, -042),              ;  3;    
00B, (0, 3, 0,10, -022),     ;   
00B, (253, 0, 0, 10, -002),  ;   
004, 15,                     ;     15
040,                         ;  60
003, 15,                     ;     16
044,                         ;  4
04C,                         ;  4;    
030,                         ;  3
044,                         ;  4
0                            ;  


, – (. 10).

Fig.  10. Form "NIFFLER"
. 10. «NIFFLER»

. .

*1, 89,NIFFLER
014, 008, (-10,1), 034, 00A, (10, 004), 002, 003, 2, 010, 003, 5, 020, 
074, 004, 10, 034, 001, 00C, (-14, -7, 126),
02A, 040, 022, 00C, (6,-1,38), 01D, 040, 008, (1, 3), 002,
003, 2, 018, 024, 004, 2, 001, 00C, (5, -4, 38), 0F0, 080,                   
002, 0E8, 074, 001, 00A, 3, 000, 002, 018, 024, 003, 5, 014, 
004, 5, 001, 00C, (-3, -5, 86),               
002, 0F8, 0E8, 0F4, 024, 001, 00C, (6, -10, 30), 
002, 094, 068, 001,
00C, (3,-14,66),

, , .  – .


Fig.  11. "COIN" form
. 11. «COIN»

(. 11). 


*1, 21,COIN
00A, (6, 000), 
002, 028, 001,
00A, (4,000),
002, 028, 024,
001, 048, 008, (2,-4),008, (2,4), 

. !

«» .

, (. 12).

Fig.  12. Built-in line editor
. 12.

, , : /. «+» «-» . , , . .

«» , « ».


. 12 , . , (, «») .

«» .

nanoCAD, , ncad.lin ( : C:\ProgramData\Nanosoft\nanoCAD x64 21.0\SHX) (. 1).

1. *.lin





– ()



– ( , )




«», (. 13). , , . . , , ( ). .

Fig.  13. Examples of alignment
. 13.

2, 3.








["", , ]



, , – romanc.shx

[ , . shx, ]




: S=



( ) .

: R=±

, 0.



: U=±

R .


. , .


, 0.



, .

: X=±

, 0.

S= X .



Y, .

: Y=±

, 0.

S= Y .


R U (. 14). , R=80, U=80?

Fig.  14. Difference in line parameters
. 14.

, ? , – :

  • ;

  • ;

  • .

! :)





« »


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