All and Whole: how to distinguish everything, everything and everything in English

We continue our rubric of interesting nuances of English. In one of the previous articles, we looked at the difference between do-make. And today we have the following couple of words in sight.

Let's talk about all and whole. The difficulty is that their sound and meanings are similar. In some cases they are interchangeable, but more often they are not. And it is not always possible to logically determine which of them should be used in a particular case. Let's figure it out. Go.

all whole

. «, , ». all whole , .

All the class was writing test. — .

The whole class was writing test. — .

, . — , . 

all whole . .


All -. , . 

, :

All , . whole — . 

— all, .

All the students — .

The whole students — .

all .


— all + + . .

All my collection of old books has been stolen. — .

I want you to clear up all this rubbish. — , .


  • the

  • this, that

  • my, his, her, our, their

  • : the man’s, my dad’s .

, . 


All the Story Is History — « — ». , , . «story» «», « ». «history» — «», « ».  

( ) : — , team, family. , .

All the team were worrying about the next game. — .

. , all + .

All water is wet. — .

Not all sport is good for your health. — .

— , . , - .

All the beer you have in the fridge is outdated. — , , . 

All , . . , . 

them all all of them. them . Them all all of them .

Them all . «?» — « ».

, — «Fuck them all», . 

All of , . 

All of you are telling lies. — .

Which songs do you like best? / I like all of them. — ? .

them all all of them .

Which songs do you like best? / I like them all. — ? .

. , . 

all , . . . 

All you need is love. — , , — . 

All's Well That Ends Well — , .

. , , 1623 that ? 400 . , ,

— , all , . 

Help, there are horrible insects all over the place. — , .

It’s all your fault. — .

all «» «», . 


Whole «», «». entire, whole. 

: + whole + .

We'll have to repaint the whole room. — . 

You will tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. — , , .

. . of.

The whole of England is covered by snow. — .

. , . , , .

The whole United States are covered by snow. — .

? — the Netherlands , :

The whole of Netherlands is covered by snow. — .

, . , .

whole , , . , all — . 

, whole , - , all — (, ). 

, whole . :

. «» «». 

We only sell whole computers, not the separate components. — , .

. «». .

Two halves make a whole. — .

I thought he'd eat some of the cake, but not the whole of it! — , , !


The whole of the Moon — Full Moon —  .  

, . , , . , — . , .

? - .

- —

! 3 !

- ED Words . june_2021 ED Words. 01.07.2021.


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