Ilona Mask's Twitter in telegram and with translation into Russian

I want to share one of my crafts, perhaps it will be useful to someone too. In this article, I will share what I did to read Musk's Twitter account in a place convenient to me and have at hand the translation of the English-language tweets into Russian.


, , ( , , ), . , , , - . "" , , - .

, , , , . , . - , , . , .

, , , , , . , , , .

, API . -. .

, , , , . , , , .

- "parsing twitter without API". , ,  twint — , .

, , google translate, , ,  fairseq  Facebook AI Research. , , .

python .

, , API, :


pip3 install twint

twint -u <name_of_twitter_user> -o output.csv --csv --since 2020-01-01 --retweets

, - bash, python API ( ), . - .

, :

twint -u username -s pineapple

twint -u username --email --phone

twint -g="48.880048,2.385939,1km" -o file.csv --csv

  • Elasticsearch SQLite

twint -u username -es localhost:9200
twint -u username --database tweets.db

  • ,

twint -u username --followers
twint -u username --following
twint -u username --favorites

csv , ( , , ):

id -

conversation_id -

created_at -

tweet -

mentions - ( )

urls - ( youtube)

photos -

link -

reply_to - ,

, . . , , Facebook AI Research - fairseq, .

pip install hydra-core


pip install torch 
pip install hydra-core==1.0.0 omegaconf==2.0.1
pip install fastBPE regex requests sacremoses subword_nmt 

pytorch, . , - :

import torch

# Compare the results with English-Russian round-trip translation:
en2ru = torch.hub.load('pytorch/fairseq', 'transformer.wmt19.en-ru.single_model', 
                       tokenizer='moses', bpe='fastbpe')
ru2en = torch.hub.load('pytorch/fairseq', '', 
                       tokenizer='moses', bpe='fastbpe')

paraphrase = ru2en.translate(
  en2ru.translate('PyTorch Hub is an awesome interface!')
assert paraphrase == 'PyTorch is a great interface!'

. torch , .

, , , , .

. , , -.

 -  " " (, , - ​, ),





, , ( )  , . —  .

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