From one application to a hundred. The path of the microfront to Tinkoff Business

Hi, my name is Vanya, I recently spoke at CodeFest 11 , where I talked about Tinkoff Business's path on the frontend from one application to a hundred. But since everything changes very quickly in IT, and it will take a long time to wait for the recording, now I will briefly tell you about our six-year journey into the wonderful world of the microfront!

. . โ€” , .

  1. AngularJS 2014โ€”2015 .

  2. Angular2.

  3. .

  4. 100 .

2015 . : ยซ ! , , ยป. AngularJS, . , . - .

, 2017 . , . โ€” ยซยป. , , โ€” , , .

2017โ€”2018 , , .

-, 3โ€”5 , 25 ! : - , ! - ! .

- , , .

. .


, . , , . , .

iframe , . . , ยซยป .

Highlighted area - standalone sidebar app

Frame Manager

Frame Manager' ( ).

Highlighted area - standalone Frame Manager application
โ€“ Frame Manager

, iframe, .

Left - sidebar concept (formerly), right - Frame Manager'a (now)
โ€“ (), โ€“ Frame Manager' ()

, , . , , window. , , .


  • - index.html.

  • .

โ€” iframe, - . 

: ยซ Google Chrome, . , !ยป : - โ€” . . , , , -, . , , , iframe src . , , .


: ยซ iframe. ? !ยป โ€” . - โ€” , , ;-) 

โ€” . , :

โ€” :

  1. Webpack- โ€” , .

  2. Angular builder โ€” .

  3. Angular schematics โ€” AST.

2021 , Webpack 5 Module Federation, , 2018 , Angular , 12 2021 . , MF , .

, iframe, Single SPA. , Angular .

, , .

Angular builder schematics, , , , , :

ng update @scripts/deframing

, . .

, , . :

  1. . , , .

  2. , : , , . - (stub), โ€” . .

, . : .

โ€” ยซยป , . , :

.my-pretty-header {
    display: none;

- , !

: , , :

id , .

โ€” , , :

, . .


. , ? npm scope @microzord


โ€” Angular, . , , .

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