SAML Integration in Zimbra OSE

Single sign-on technology has many advantages over classic authentication methods, the main of which is that SSO provides the best balance between user convenience and enterprise information security. We have previously discussed how to implement SSO in Zimbra OSE when using Active Directory authentication using Kerberos. This time we will talk about how to implement Zimbra OSE another single sign-on technology - SAML using the example of the Okta provider.


SAML SSO in Zimbra OSE is only available to Zextras Suite Pro users.

Preparing for integration

First of all, to enable SAML integration, you need to patch NGINX. To do this, in the / opt / zimbra / conf / nginx / templates / folder, edit the files one by one:

  • nginx.conf.web.http.default.template
  • nginx.conf.web.http.template
  • nginx.conf.web.https.default.template
  • nginx.conf.web.https.template

In all files in the location ^ ~ / zx / section, replace the content with

location ^~ /zx/


proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port;

proxy_pass ${web.upstream.zx};


These changes are necessary in order to compose full Protocol X and X-Port URLs.

It is also necessary to activate the Zextras authentication engine at the domain level. This can be done by the server administrator by entering the command zmprov modifyDomain zimbraAuthMech custom: zx in the command line .

Building an app in Okta

In the event that you have not previously used SAML to access company resources, you will have to create your own application for user authentication. To create such an application in Okta:

1. Register as a developer on

2. In your personal account, click on the “Create App Integration” button

3. In the list that opens, select SAML 2.0 and click Next

4. In the next window specify the name of your application, select an icon and set its visibility and click Next when everything is ready

5. In the next window:

  1. Specify the address of your server with appendix / zx / auth / saml as the SSO URL
  2. For the Audiend URI, specify the address of your server with the appendix / zx / auth / samlMetadata
  3. Set the Name ID Format to EmailAddress
  4. Click Next

6. In the mini-survey, select the first answer and click Finish

7. Download your SAML application metadata

If you already have your application in Okta, just download your application metadata file.

Exporting accounts from a Zimbra OSE domain

The SAML app supports both creating new accounts and importing existing ones from Zimbra. In order to import accounts, you must first export them from Zimbra in .csv format.

To export accounts, go to the Zimbra admin console, go to the Search tab and search for users with the domain name in the search query. The search result will be a complete list of domain users, which can be uploaded in CSV format by clicking on the “Additional settings” icon in the upper right corner and selecting the “Upload” section.

Import the received CSV into the SAML application using the appropriate tool in the developer's personal account.

Integration of the application into Zimbra OSE

To integrate a SAML application into Zimbra OSE, you need the data from the previously downloaded application metadata file.

Integration can be carried out automatically by simply specifying the location of the metadata file in the settings, or manually by adding all the necessary data to the configuration file.

To perform automatic integration, enter the command zxsuite auth saml import url . If you are using your own SAML server with self-signed certificates, use the allow_insecure true parameter to bypass SSL certificate authentication.

For manual integration, export the default SAML settings using the zxsuite auth saml get export_to /tmp/saml.json command . Open the resulting file /tmp/saml.json in any editor and add the following data to it, replacing the lines marked with >> << with the data from the metadata file. In our case, the added lines will look like this:

«sp.nameidformat»:«urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress »,

«sp.entityid»: >> <<,

«sp.assertion_consumer_service.url»: >> <<,

«idp.single_sign_on_service.url»: >> <<,

«idp.entityid»: >> <<,


Save the changes made to the file and import it into Zimbra OSE using the command zxsuite auth saml import /tmp/saml.json

After completing all the described actions on the login page of the Zimbra OSE web client, the button "SAML Login" will appear, when you click on which the server will contact the SAML application with a request to authenticate the user. If the application confirms the authenticity of the login, the user will be logged into his account without entering any authentication data. At the same time, there is an opportunity for the user to log in by login and password.

For all questions related to Zextras Suite Pro and Team Pro, you can contact the Representative of Zextras Technology Ekaterina Triandafilidi by e-mail

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