About uuids, primary keys and databases

The article is devoted to alternative versions of Qt drivers for working with databases. By and large, there are not so many differences from native Qt drivers, just a couple: 1) UUID type support; 2) Working with the entity "Transaction" as with an independent object. But these differences led to a significant revision of the code implementation of the original Qt solutions and changed the approach to writing working code.

Primary Key: UUID or Integer?

I first got acquainted with the idea of ​​using UUID as a primary key in 2003, while working in a team of dolphists. We have developed a program for the automation of technological processes in production. The DBMS played a significant role in the project. At that time it was FireBird version 1.5. As the project grew more complex, it became difficult to use integer identifiers as primary keys. I will describe a couple of difficulties:

  • An architectural problem: from time to time customers sent reference data in order to include them in a new version of the distribution kit. Sometimes the directories contained the primary keys already in our database. I had to eliminate collisions in the process of data aggregation. The problems did not end there: when deploying a new distribution kit, reverse collisions periodically occurred.

  • : SELECT-, ( ). . . , , 2003 , - - .

UUID- , . UUID- , , SELECT- , . FireBird 1.5 UUID-, 32 ( UUID- ). , .

UUID- : 1) ; 2) . , . , , UUID-.

: UUID vs Integer MS SQL " – GUID ?"


2012 FireBird. . QtFramework. FireBird 2.5 UUID-. : " Qt- FireBird QUuid?" Qt- UUID-. , , .


Qt- FireBird 2018 . . - , , ́ . . FireBird, . PostgreSQL, .

. Qt-FireBird . , Qt-, , : ( ) ( "" Driver). Qt- . , , : ( - ). Oracle, PostgreSQL, MS SQL ODBC. FireBird , API . , Qt-FireBird .

(2-3) , . . . , : , , , , sql- , . , . " - ". sql- .

"", , , . , "" , . , "" , , . , COMMIT ROLLBACK. , . Qt-.

, . (Driver) . , , . .

Qt-, :

- : " ?! ' - ', !" , , , , "" ODBC . , - , .

void function3(int value3)
    db::firebird::Driver::Ptr dbcon = fbpool().connect();
    db::firebird::Transaction::Ptr transact3 = dbcon->createTransact();
    QSqlQuery q3 {db::firebird::createResult(transact3)};

    if (!transact3->begin())
    if (!q3.prepare("INSERT INTO TABLE3 (VALUE3) VALUES (:VALUE3)"))
    sql::bindValue(q3, ":VALUE3" , value3);
    if (!q3.exec())


void function2(int value2)
    db::firebird::Driver::Ptr dbcon = fbpool().connect();
    db::firebird::Transaction::Ptr transact2 = dbcon->createTransact();
    QSqlQuery q2 {db::firebird::createResult(transact2)};

    if (!transact2->begin())

    if (!q2.prepare("SELECT * FROM TABLE2 WHERE VALUE2 = :VALUE2"))
     sql::bindValue(q2, ":VALUE2 " , value2);
     if (!q2.exec())
    while (q2.next())
        qint32 value3;
        sql::assignValue(value3, q2.record(), "VALUE3");

void function1()
    db::firebird::Driver::Ptr dbcon = db::firebird::pool().connect();
    db::firebird::Transaction::Ptr transact1 = dbcon->createTransact();
    QSqlQuery q1 {db::firebird::createResult(transact1)};
    if (!transact1->begin())
    if (!sql::exec(q1, "SELECT * FROM TABLE1"))
    while (q1.next())
        QSqlRecord r = q1.record();
        QUuidEx  id;
        qint32   value1;
        qint32   value2;
        sql::assignValue(id     , r, "ID     ");
        sql::assignValue(value1 , r, "VALUE1 ");
        sql::assignValue(value2 , r, "VALUE2 ");

(1-3) . . QSqlQuery. ROLLBACK- SELECT- COMMIT- .

sql-. .

void function3(db::firebird::Transaction::Ptr transact, int value3)
    QSqlQuery q3 {db::firebird::createResult(transact)};
    //  - 

void function2(db::firebird::Transaction::Ptr transact, int value2)
    QSqlQuery q2 {db::firebird::createResult(transact)};
    //  - 
    function3(transact, value3);

void function1()
    db::firebird::Driver::Ptr dbcon = db::firebird::pool().connect();
    db::firebird::Transaction::Ptr transact = dbcon->createTransact();
    QSqlQuery q1 {db::firebird::createResult(transact)};
    if (!transact->begin())
    while (q1.next())
        //  - 
        function2(transact, value2);


2020 . : PostgreSQL. 18- , . PostgreSQL FireBird. Qt, , . Qt- : PREPARE EXECUTE. , , . , " ", PostgreSQL API. libpqxx , . " ". , . , . , , PostgreSQL . , . . singleConnect()

, . . singleConnect()


. , . . , . .


MS SQL. , . MS SQL ODBC. PostgreSQL: - . , OLE DB MS SQL , ODBC . , "" . , NULL-. , .


Qt-. :

  • beginTransaction();

  • commitTransaction();

  • rollbackTransaction().

"" Qt-.

, , , . :

  • tables();

  • record();

  • primaryIndex();

  • formatValue();

  • escapeIdentifier().

. , , . , , .

, : "Forward Only". , , . , , SqlCachedResult

. - Qt-.



, sql-, "" . Result


, sql-. size2()

, resultSize(const QSqlQuery&)

. .

GPL/LGPL 2.1. SqlCachedResult

, Qt . . PostgreSQL, , ( ). , : LGPL. , .

ALog, SharedTools.


. : FireBird, PostgreSQL, MS SQL. , . SharedTools .

QtCreator, QBS. :

  1. db_demo_project.qbs - ( 2-4);

  2. db_demo_firebird.qbs - FireBird ( FireBird-);

  3. db_demo_postgres.qbs - PostgreSQL ( libpq-dev);

  4. db_demo_mssql.qbs - MS SQL.

Linux, . Windows FireBird- (), .

- :

  • /tmp/db-demo-firebird.log

  • /tmp/db-demo-mssql.log

  • /tmp/db-demo-postgres.log

, . , - .

, , , : ", , . ?!" , !

A lot of my work and the work of colleagues have been invested in the creation of drivers, a lot of life has been spent. Knowing the dislike of programmers for external dependencies, I have no illusion that the presented solutions will be used "as is". I admit that someone decides to "burn out with a hot iron" ALog and replace it with something of their own - I will not mind (I do this myself with other loggers;) In any case, if our solutions save someone time, or serve as a starting point for new ideas - it will be good!

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