Weekly gamedev: # 22 - June 13, 2021

From this week's news : a preview version of Unreal Engine 4.27 has become available with Bink Video and Bink Audio included in the engine, Unity has released a new starter pack, a new version of Diligent Engine 2.5 has been released, Activision has released an extension for Windows for viewing USD-files, the developers of Cascadeur received an additional $ 1.5 million for product development, PolyHertz has released a new UnChamfer Pro script for 3ds Max, Khronos are launching a 3D viewer certification program.

Of interest: a detailed report from Insomniac about working with light in Marvel's Spider-Man, interesting mechanics for a VR game, a useful report from Ryotov about how they balance and nerf characters.

Updates / releases / news

Unreal Engine 4.27 preview is now available

From the key :

  • Oodle and Bink are now built into the engine.

  • Improvements in the part of Open XR.

  • Path Tracer is now in beta.

  • A bunch of GPU Lightmass enhancements: baking, shadows, mGPU support.

  • Niagara update: versioning modules, new debugger, bunch of UX / UI improvements.

  • Optimized rendering on mobile platforms. Key optimization areas: Distance Field Shadows, Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA), Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA).

  • Datasmith changes, especially Datasmith Exporter Plugin for ArchiCAD.

  • .

Bink Video Bink Audio Unreal Engine

Epic Games RAD Game Tools ( ) Unreal Engine. Unreal Engine 4.27 Unreal Engine 5.

Bink Video Bink Audio — .

Cascadeur 1.5 Nekki

2 80000 . , , 25 30. 2022:

  1. Deep Physics AI.

  2. Cascadeur .


Unity 2020 LTS Cinemachine Input System.

Unity , , , - .

Gaijin Entertainment (4 )

30 . .

Diligent Engine 2.5


  • Metal.

  • , .

  • .

  • RT (, . .).

Activision Windows USD

GitHub Apache 2.0 Windows USD ( , Pixar) Windows Explorer.

Blender 3.0


Epic Games , Unreal Engine 5

16- pdf- . , , . .

PolyHertz UnChamfer Pro 3ds Max

, .


, .

, : 30%, Plus, 10%, PRO . .

Faceware Technologies Faceware Studio PLE, Faceware Studio,

Faceware Studio , .

Kinetix Advanced

3d- .MP4 .

, 60- . 15 3 , Kinetix, 120 30 .

Khronos 3D-

. CGTrader Sketchfab .

- , .


4 Substance Painter

  1. — .

  2. . , , .

  3. / .

  4. .

Epic Games Discussed Unreal Engine 5's New Lumen Global Lighting System This Week

Experts told what it is, how to include it, and what the technology provides.

Helpful talk from Ryotov on how they balance and nerf characters

Don't look at ratings for videos, content norms. It contains real data and metrics and, most importantly, the presenter tells how they make decisions based on this data.

Detailed talk from Insomniac on working with light in Marvel's Spider-Man


Parsing VFX from the movie "Generation Voyager" (2021)

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