PHP Digest # 205 (June 1 - 15, 2021)

A selection of fresh news and materials from the PHP world. In release: the first alpha of PHP 8.1.0, Composer 2.1, Symfony 5.3, and other releases. An overview of the new proposals for PHP 8.1: Partial Function Application, pipe operator, readonly properties. Plus a portion of useful tools, articles, videos and podcasts.

Enjoy reading!


  • PHP 8.1.0 alpha 1

    - PHP 8.1. . 25 .

    20 , . :

    • Enum RFC;
    • never

    • RFC;
    • RFC;
    • RFC;
    • float


      , RFC;
    • Serializable

    • 0o


  • PHP 8.0.7, PHP 7.4.20


  • PhpStorm 2021.2

    , . , .

    : PHP 8.1, Extract Method, .

  • Composer 2.1.0


    , . .

  • PHP-

    Composer, Jordi Boggiano, PHP.


    , , , symfony/console/php-stats.

  • PHP Russia 2021

    28 . β€” habr , , .

    : php_digest.

PHP Internals

  • [RFC] Partial Function Application

    RFC First-class callable syntax.

    β€” . ...

    , ?

    β€” .


    1. $func = some_func(...)

      β€” . , .
    2. $func = some_func(1, 2, ?, 5)

      β€” , .
    3. $func = any_func($all, $params, ...)

      β€” , . , .

  • [RFC] Pipe Operator v2

    , - .


    array_filter(array_map('strtoupper', str_split(htmlentities("Hello World"))), fn($v) => $v != 'O');


    $result = "Hello World"
        |> htmlentities(?)
        |> str_split(?)
        |> array_map(strtoupper(?), ?)
        |> array_filter(?, fn($v) => $v != 'O');

  • [RFC] Pure intersection types

    , . audio PHP Internals News #88 George Peter Banyard, RFC.

  • [RFC] Readonly properties 2.0

    RFC readonly .


    . .

    class Test {
        public readonly string $prop;
        public function __construct(string $prop) {
            // Legal initialization.
            $this->prop = $prop;
    $test = new Test("foobar");
    // Legal read.
    var_dump($test->prop); // string(6) "foobar"
    // Illegal reassignment. It does not matter that the assigned value is the same.
    $test->prop = "foobar";
    // Error: Cannot modify readonly property Test::$prop

    constructor property promotion PHP 8.0, :

    class User {
        public function __construct(
            public readonly string $name
        ) {}
    $user = new User('Roman');
    echo $user->name; // Ok
    $user->name = 'Nikita'; // Error

  • [RFC] Make reflection setAccessible() no-op

    , ->setAccessible(true)


    Marco Β«OcramiusΒ» Pivetta , ReflectionProperty


    , setAccessible(true)


    class Foo { private $bar = 'a'; }
    (new ReflectionProperty(Foo::class, 'bar'))->getValue();





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