Where the grass is greener: is it worth relocating abroad

For a long time working in IT recruitment, I could not help but notice a rather bright trend - the desire of many applicants to relocate abroad. I wondered why this was happening and decided to do a little research.

Why do I want to leave?

I started asking my candidates why they made this decision. According to the results of the survey, it turned out that the majority want to try to live in another country, to try a different society, different climatic conditions.

The second reason is high salaries in dollars or euros, which, taking into account the growth of the exchange rate, increases the level of income. Many also want to try working for brand companies like Google, for example. 

Why didn't you leave? 

Among the interviewed specialists there were also those who nevertheless had offers abroad, but have not yet been relocated. It turned out that the salary level of foreign companies is really high, higher than the current one, but when you need to take into account the level of taxes, rental housing, spending on products and services, the bottom line is less than the offer in Russia. And the move turns out to be less attractive.

Another disadvantage was highlighted by one of my candidates - these are international teams. The fact is that employers often enter the market in order to find the cheapest possible labor, this sometimes happens to the detriment of the level of qualifications of specialists. For example, teams often have quite a lot of Indian developers (low-cost labor). According to reviews, these specialists may be unskilled, it is difficult to work with them, many errors have to be corrected, some of which cannot be corrected at all. 

Left and came back. What was wrong?

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