Walking through interviews, or How to seek a job in IT for a year and a half

Yes, the topic is hackneyed, but out of good intentions I want to share my emotions that I, a self-taught in IT, went through, going through countless interviews in search of a normal office. I will also describe a couple of examples of interviews so that recruiters and interviewers understand how it looks from the outside, and what things should not be done in any case.

You know, there are such special signs, known to everyone, when you understand for sure that you need to "shed" the current job, because already the pitchfork. This is exactly what happened with my last job. I will not go into details at all, but I will reflect a little on the topic of my wanderings in the labor market. Let's omit what happened already at the last job (spoiler: I found a new place of work), since I can safely be reproached for the fact that I was definitely delayed, constantly postponing leaving, and that everything that happened there was fiction and not can. But, unfortunately, it did. In general, let's not talk about the bad. As Alexander Pushkin wrote in his poem "If life deceives you", "What will pass will be nice."


Many years ago, having received a degree in economics (guilty, sinful), I went to design (what a big word!) A poultry farm for one fairly well-known person. After working for a year, we were all stunned that the unreasonable steps of individual managers and the ultimate beneficiary of the business led to the fact that the administration of the region, where construction had already begun, applied an administrative resource to us, essentially depriving us of the opportunity to conduct business in this direction. It's a dead end ...

But I immediately received an offer from the guys from the IT department from another branch of the business, whom I had known for many years. They have a vacant sysadmin position (or something like that, since in fact there has never been IT there). Having decided to put everything on the line, I agreed to essentially change my profession 180 degrees.

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It is possible that the examples I have given are just the tip of the iceberg, and I am too gentle and I cannot say that I "saw some shit." If this is the case and you have worse stories when applying to top offices - share your experience in the comments!

Special thanks to Alexander Doublesharp for help in preparing the material.

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