What does floor-standing acoustics look like in the region of one hundred thousand rubles - three pairs from Arslab, DALI and ELAC

We examined a whole range of "floor speakers" - from the most affordable systems [a couple of other collections ] and to acoustics approaching the level of one hundred thousand rubles. This time we are talking about similar models and touching on those that can cost a little more than this amount.

Floor acoustics ELAC Debut Reference DFR52 - Audiomania.com
ELAC Debut Reference DFR52 — Audiomania.ru

[95 220] ELAC Debut Reference DFR52 — , Debut 2.0. «», . [185 x 1015 x 241 , 16,7 ], . «» Debut Reference DFR52 - - 5,25 . . - .

. «» — . — « » , « ». — « » . DFR52 MDF , .

— 140 .

— . , .

, Stereo.ru - .

[99 990] DALI Oberon 7 —  , Zensor’. — SMC [Soft Magnetic Compound], «» Oberon 7. - . /- 7 - 29- «», . , — .

— 30-180 .

Stereo.ru, Oberon 7 « » . : «» « ». «» — .

MDF [14,8 ], [200 x 1015 x 340 ]. — , . , , .

[107 820] Arslab Classic 3.5 — , . Wavecor — 168 168- -. Wavecor TW030WA12-01 30 — . «» — .

— 25-150 .

Floor acoustics Arslab Classic 3.5 - Audiomania.ru
Arslab Classic 3.5 — Audiomania.ru

, — , Audiocore. . MDF, , . : , , . , «» .

[25 ] [200 x 1080 x 325 ]. «» . SalonAV, , . — , .


  • Hi-Fi- 250 000 2020

  • Arslab, DALI Monitor Audio — «» 60-80

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