An incomplete list of skills that senior developers need beyond coding

For different levels - from senior to staff and above.

  1. How to hold meetings. And no, being the person who speaks the most does not mean "having a meeting"

  2. How to write project documentation, receive feedback and bring it to implementation in a reasonable amount of time

  3. How to mentor a new junior colleague, middle engineer, new manager who needs technical advice

  4. How to communicate with a senior manager who wants to talk about technical things he doesn't understand without rolling his eyes or making him feel stupid

  5. How to explain a technical concept behind closed doors to a senior colleague who is too embarrassed to openly admit that he does not understand it

  6. How to influence another team to use your solution instead of writing their own

  7. How to ask another engineer to do something for you by asking for help in a way that makes them feel appreciated

  8. How to Lead a Project Even if You Don't Lead Anyone Working on It

  9. How to make other engineers listen to your ideas and don't feel threatened

  10. How to listen to other engineers' ideas and not feel threatened

  11. How to give up your brainchild - a project you made great so you can do something else

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  22. How to gracefully accept negative feedback

Translated by the author of the channel about teamwork, communication, development and management of Saturday Night Hack - subscribe.

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