Electronic multitool project QUARK. Part 2

In the first article, I introduced the device to readers in general terms. Today I will tell you about the applied technical solutions and about the progress I have made in entering the market. But first, I want to say thanks to all those who responded and gave useful advice to the previous article. And this is not an ordinary thanks, I really used the advice of readers to improve the device and this will also be discussed below.


To begin with, let me remind you what the device is. QUARK is an electronic multi-tool primarily focused on the development of microcontroller devices, Arduino, ESP32, STM32, IoT, home automation and similar devices.

What determines this orientation? First, the set of functions. And if the first part is standard for a typical multimeter:

  • Voltmeter

  • Ammeter

  • Resistance measurement

  • Capacitance measurement

  • Measuring inductance

... then the UART logger and UART plotter are things that arduino people and others like them need. The oscilloscope, of course, does not shine with a speed - 400 kilo-samples, however, it is more than enough to check PWM signals and signals from various sensors.

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, IoT, . :


, , , :


. DS203. , , , :


  (, ) / . , , , , , . , , - , DS203 , … , , . «» , :


UART , , . , UART-TTL , Β« Β» :

. ESP32 (bluetooth, Wi_fi). INA219. I2C , , , . ,   AD5245, , , AD5245 I2C, . 63.2%. AD5245, , , 1 . , .


Rail-to-Rail AD8541, AD5245. , , , . I2S, DMA LCD , , bluetooth.

UART . Baud rate, UART .

LSM6DS3TR. , .

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, . 2.

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And the most important thing. On the advice of readers, I did launch on the crowdfunding platform Crowdsupply. For some time he negotiated, jointly set up a page and prepared a description. The platform is focused on "iron" open source projects, which means that my device will be made publicly available. I invite everyone who is interested in the project to support the start, and here I will again emphasize that it is open source.

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