Popular about adjectives in English

Today we decided to make an almost theoretical topic. And they settled on adjectives. After all, it is they who make the language juicy and allow you to express emotions. 

At first glance, the topic is quite simple - it is studied at the initial level. But everything is more complicated than it seems - there are also enough nuances and peculiarities there. Today we are talking about the secrets and secrets of adjectives. It will be interesting. Go.

Types and order of adjectives

— . «cat» «nice big black cat». .

. , , , :

  • (big, fine, loud)

  • (one, hundred, thousand)

  • (this, that)

  • (my, his)

  • (which, what)

  • (each, every)

  • (a, the)

, , , — .

Do you have a book? 

Do you have the book?

« », . , — - .

—  . « » « ». .

, :

— — — — — — — —

I love that awesome big old green car.


 I love that awesome () big () old () green () car. 

, . , , .

. , , , TOEFL IELTS . .

: ...

. , , 1976 . 

, « » . « ». 

, « » , . 

, — «Curiouser and curiouser!».


, . , «More curious and more curious». .


  • — fine, big, interesting 

  • — finer, bigger, more interesting 

  • — the finest, the biggest, the most interesting

, :

- — -er ( ) -est ( ).

Bright, brighter, the brightest — , ,

Brave, braver, the bravest — , ,

— , -ful, . , . .

, more ( ) most ( ).

Beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful — , ,

Complicated, more complicated, the most complicated — , , .

«Curiouser and curiouser» , .

, . 

Clever () — cleverer, the cleverest more clever, the most clever 

Gentle () — gentler, the gentlest more gentle, the most gentle 

Friendly () — friendlier, the friendliest more friendly, the most friendly

Quiet () — quieter, the quietest more quite, the most quite

Simple () — simpler, the simplest more simple, the most simple

— -er -est. — more most. .

, . — «» «», .


  • blind —

  • dead —

  • fatal —

  • final —

  • left —

  • right —

  • unique —

  • universal —

  • vertical —

  • wrong —

, , .


— , . .

Good — better — the best

Bad — worse — the worst

Far — farther — the farthest

Little — less — the least

many/much — more — the most

— . «good-gooder-goodest» «bad-badder-baddest». , , .

— , , . , . 


, . «good» «gōdaz», «». , «gather». «» XIV .

«bot» ( «boot»), «boto» «», «» « ». «better» «best». 

boot good? . XII «boot» — «», . . 

, , bra/got — bättre —  bäst. «boot» — «good». better best — .


«badder» «baddest» «» «». « » :

As lewed peple demeth comunly

Of thynges that been maad moore subtilly

Than they kan in hir lewednesse comprehende

They demen gladly to the badder ende.

(. . )

, :



«badder» «baddest» XVIII .

«badder» «baddest» . , «the baddest guy on the block», . « ». 

, XIII «bad» . «, , ». «good» XIV .

«wiersa» ( «wyrsa») — «» «worse» «worst». XIV «bad», .

— «badder» «better». , . , : «» «». «worse» «worst» , «badder» «baddest».

. , .

, . 

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