How to double employee efficiency with digitalization

Hello everyone!

In touch Alexey Kuznetsov - CEO of the branding agency Kuznets. In this article, I will talk about how to protect employees from burnout and double the staff without hiring.

As I develop big brands, increase their value and market weight, I watch how leading companies increase their success. This is due to technology and process automation. Often this is facilitated by HR portals, which were a new trend back in 2014, and now have become a must-have.

Once a large company approached us with a business task - an annual growth of EBITDA (profit before interest) by 10-15% in the next 5 years without hiring new employees. How to solve this problem without increasing the staff? The answer is - to digitalize the enterprise.

The digitalization of the HR function makes a special contribution to the overall efficiency of the company. One of its tools is an internal corporate HR portal. Having introduced it into the work of the company, we witnessed the digitalization of employees and processes of the HR department.

What does digitalization have to do with it?  

Digitalization can double or triple efficiency. If each employee has a "digital assistant" - a second "digital self", then he:

  • will remove errors;

  • automates routine processes that take a lot of time;

  • will transfer a lot of additional knowledge and tools.

In today's fast paced business, the lack of digitalization and HR processes is very overwhelming for employees. This leads to constant rush jobs, โ€œyesterdayโ€ deadlines, burnout of the team and entire companies. People just can't stand it. 

If colleagues are on different floors of a huge building, then going back and forth several times a day from the 1st to the 9th floor, it would seem, is not difficult and takes only 30 minutes in total. But for a year of work, these 30 minutes turn into 126 hours of working time for one person. This is more than three working weeks of net time!

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  4. You have digital systems for employee training and development;

  5. There is a corporate news portal or corporate social network in which employees are involved.

  6. Part of the company's staff works remotely on a permanent basis. There are regulations for remote interaction.

Coincided? Congratulations, you are amazing!

Editor: Naumkina Karina.

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