ISPmanager 6. What's new?

ISPmanager 6 version overview

Everyone seems to know about the ISPmanager panel , its advantages and capabilities - this is one of the most popular solutions for managing Linux-based VPS and servers.

It would seem, well, what else to add? Everything has been said for a long time. But recently the developers from ISPsystem presented a new version - ISPmanager 6 . Let's see what innovations can be seen in the solution now and what to expect in the future.

What is ISPmanager?

First, let's talk a little about the essence of the service, how it works.

After installing the software on the server, the administrator gets a bare console, which is not very convenient to work with. Of course, specialists are well versed in teams and can control all processes from the terminal, but most people prefer a graphical interface with accessible documentation and visible settings.

ISPmanager is the very same graphical control panel that simplifies the work with the installed software.

The first version of ISPmanager was released in 2013, and since then the product has been actively developing. During this period, the developers made more than 1,500 changes and expanded the codebase more than five times. ISPsystem team quickly adapts to new modules, operating systems and additional tools. ISPmanager 5 started supporting:

  • Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04,
  • CentOS 8,
  • Stream,
  • Debian 10.

Services also connected:

  • PHP 7.3 and 7.4,
  • MySQL 8.0,
  • Fail2ban.

ISPmanager also improves the quality of encryption: now users can work through Let's Encrypt ACME v2 and DNSSEC; there are new protocols: HTTP 2.0 and NAT translator.

ISPsystem is also working on improving the interface. Today the graphic interface of ISPmanager looks modern and convenient.

ISPmanager features

Currently ISPmanager offers:

  • unlimited number of users in any tariff plan;
  • setting access rights;
  • full control over domains: CMS integration, work with redirects, SSL certificates and other technical issues;
  • DNS editing and management;
  • work with mail systems;
  • creation and administration of databases;
  • connecting users via FTP to specific directories;
  • firewall;
  • backup;
  • complete statistics;
  • separation of users by access rights.

Of course, this is not the whole list of ISPmanager features. It contains many additional parameters and settings, which are described in detail in the official documentation .

So, it's time to tell you about the new version of the product - ISPmanager 6.

Major changes in ISPmanager 6

Tariffs in ISPmanager 5 were priced in euros, but now the payment has completely switched to rubles . The company also abandoned the "perpetual" licenses that some users of the fifth version had, so customers who have not renewed their subscription will not be able to use the task scheduler.

The main changes affected the tariff system . Retail prices have increased, but there will be special offers for partners. The ISPsystem website contains the following versions:

  • Lite. The minimum version limits the number of sites to ten. The rest of the functions remain the same as in ISPmanager 5.
  • Pro. The only difference from Lite is that the number of sites is 50.
  • Host. The user can create an unlimited number of sites with the same functionality as in previous versions.
  • Business. The most advanced plan with many additional tools such as Cloudlinux (planned to be added to Host), reseller management, IP addresses, and so on.

Users who are accustomed to the old panel, use their own modules or manage multiple sites at the same time will not be "forced" to switch to the new version. The transition will be gradual and seamless, while the previous developments will continue to function. The support service will continue to work with users of older versions until the end of 2021.

Upcoming updates

Although at the moment it seems that the main changes are only in the tariff system, by the end of 2021 the developers will add many new tools that were not in ISPmanager 5.

First of all, the interface will be refined: it is planned to add convenient and informative tips. It will also add advanced tutorials to help newbies get their first website set up properly.

By the end of the year, mail monitoring will appear with new spam filters and some additional functions. Together with it, it is planned to launch external and internal monitoring: the first will display the availability of sites, and the second - resources and running processes. Analytical tools will be supplemented with a proactive error control system that will help identify problems in the user panel.

Many services work with Telegram, and ISPmanager 6 is no exception. In the future, notifications about the state of the system will come directly to the messenger.

Everything else is gradually being integrated:

  • Python (Django);
  • node.js;
  • OpenVPN;
  • GIT;
  • Lightspeed.

Do you work with ISPmanager or another panel? How are your impressions?

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