Cafe Workplace, Photo Enhancement and Hackathon Teams: Our Students' Graduation Works

On June 2, graduation projects were defended by students of Group educational projects. The guys went to this point for two years, and the last semester was almost entirely devoted to the implementation of these ideas. 8 teams from Technopark (MSTU named after N.E. Bauman) and 3 from Technopolis (SPbPU named after Peter the Great) defended their work . All of them have implemented different projects, united by one goal - to improve people's lives with the help of technology.

We describe in detail three projects that, in the opinion of the jury, turned out to be the best, both in terms of working out the problem and implementing the MVP.

TeamUP Online - how to find the best team

Many people, including Technopark students, like to participate in hackathons. There is only one problem: you cannot do it alone. And it is very difficult to find a worthy team if there are no acquaintances. Hence - personal negative experience and a drop in interest in such events.

The existing solutions are more like hackathon marketplaces. They solve a problem for the organizers: he buys a license and quickly creates an event. But there is no such decision for the participant. The Fixiki team decided to prioritize the interests of hackers. In their TeamUp project, a person can simply indicate the hackathon in which he wants to try his hand, and quickly select a team according to his spirit.

Search here works like in Tinder: if you like someone, you can send a request to join forces. You see his skills, interests, previous jobs. Even GitHub and social media profiles (if he specified them). In the same place, on the service, look at the composition of the formed team and vote for the team lead. The team lead can manage incoming tickets, remove people, or change the team name.

Technopark students used a modern and generally accepted React technology stack - Golang. In design, they started from Material-UI and VKUI, and made a cool mobile layout (you can even select applications for a team on the run).

Project team: Sergey Kuklin, Mikhail Balitsky ( ) and Oleg Elizarov.

Smart visual effects for photos

Every day millions of people post photos on social media. Most of them are static, similar to each other, rather boring. Many people would like to diversify them with the help of visual effects, but do not have enough skills for this.

The guys from Technopolis came up with an idea: why not make a system capable of creating these effects based on metainformation. And hence - to increase the activity of users of the service (in this case - "Odnoklassniki"). After all, everyone is interested in looking at photos with beautiful and unusual effects. Where to get meta information from? First, from the photo itself. For example, from EXIF ​​or XMP. Secondly, it can be generated using machine learning methods.

Focusing on the main subject and blurring the background is achieved by using Depth Map (the same technology that powers iPhone's Face ID). Depth Map also helps to achieve parallax effect and dolly zoom in / zoom out effects, when the main subject remains static, while the rest are zooming in or out.

Depth Map is obtained either from a photo, if the smartphone camera supports building a depth map. Or with the help of ML (in the end, the team settled on MidasNet). All this happens from the server side, so that the user's device is not loaded.

The main program of Technopolis is “Java-developer of high-load applications”, therefore under the hood of the project there is Java, as well as Android, OpenGL and other supporting technologies.

It is planned to integrate the system into Odnoklassniki and further work on improving the quality and variety of effects.

Project team: Elisey Vasilevsky, Ilya Gusarov, Vladislav Zybkin.

Service "Workplace"

Many of us are tired of working from home. I would like to change something. Or just make sure that the household is not distracted. The solution might seem like a cafe. But here, too, not everything is simple. It happens that you come, open your laptop, you already want to immerse yourself in the project - and then it turns out that there is no outlet in the neighborhood. And Wi-Fi is password protected. Or very weak. You just wasted another half hour on the road.

A team of Technopark students came up with a solution: the Workplace service . The application contains all the cafes and restaurants in your city, where you can safely come and work. With information about opening hours, address, lighting, Wi-Fi, sockets. You can check the design from the photo. And if you take a subscription, they will even pour you tea / coffee for free or make a discount on your order.

This is beneficial for cafes, because they get regular customers. And you can periodically change your workplace without risking getting to a place where no one is happy with a remote employee.

React, MobX, TypeScript, SCSS were used to develop the frontend. Backend - Django, Docker, PostgreSQL, Grafana, Nginx.

Team members: Alexander Averkiev, Dmitry Boldin, Sergey Petrenko, Artur Potapchuk.

Projects that other students have shown:


  • Telegram bot - assistant for calendar
  • Diary for the self-employed
  • Loyalty system designer for cafes
  • Mobile application for customer interaction with a cafe / restaurant
  • Platform for running sports championships
  • Application for ordering food from MSTU canteens.


  • Fitness app for creating personal workouts
  • Application for accounting and monitoring of district infrastructure, preservation of heritage monuments and improving the well-being of the city.

The full video from this protection can be viewed on our VKontakte .

The next recruitment for free educational programs will begin at the end of summer. If you are a student and want to learn how to do such projects (or even better) - look for your university in the list of partners on our website .

If you are no longer a student or do not want to wait for a new set - educational projects Group share IT knowledge for free on YouTube channel Tekhnostroy . See, subscribe, like!

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